Who is Red John?

Theory #15929 • by revygirl


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Is that a pigeon in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

I think the creators of this website should change the name of this site to
"Bruno sucks balls". The reveal of Red John is one of the biggest jokes of tv history
perhaps only ranking second to the whole season Dallas that was chalked up to being
just a dream in order to resurrect Bobby Ewing. Lets face it folks we were all duped
and duped good by the Mentalist. I guess thats rather fitting since the Mentalist
Patrick Jane makes a living off duping the suspects on a weekly basis. I
should have followed my gut and realized the whole Red John identity was a
complete farce. Simon Baker produced the original voice for Red John so
that is concrete proof right there that Heller didnt have a clue who Red John
was himself. Heller admitted in an interview that he didnt decide on who Red John
was until the "last couple of years". I think thats BS, I think in fact he didnt "decide"
on the identity of RJ until last year. Years and years of red herrings, false clues and a
show built on a house of cards.

What I think is the absolute biggest joke is Hellers comment that the audience isn't interested
in having RJ explained-doesn't make for good tv-just internet fodder. Heller is so full of BS. All
that is, is a cover up for the fact that he totally effed up what could have been one if the greatest
shows of the decade. Instead it will be known as one of the greatest rip -offs of tv history. Face it
people, RJ died in one of the most embarrassing episode one could ask for. The dubbed in voice
was one of the most intellectually insulting jabs I e ever experienced as a tv viewer. Really Bruno?
You think your viewer base is a bunch of 4 year olds who are impressed by cheap, cheesy tricks? Even
my 14 year old daughter was so completely disgusted at the RJ reveal that she vowed at the end of it to
never watch another episode again. Pretty sad Bruno when a 14 year old can see right through your pathetic
attempts at pulling the wool over our eyes. What does Heller care? The lying twit is laughing all the way to the bank.
Lets all pretend we are a visualize cult member and repeat together as one......I will NEVER trust Bruno Heller ever again.......I will never trust Bruno Heller ever again.....I will never trust Bruno Heller ever again........................
RIP Brett Stiles

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