Who is Red John?

Theory #15750 • by RedCrescent


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I just can't believe this! This closure for RJ Case is one of the biggest disappointments and scandals in TV history without doubt. Such a cheap, lazy, awful, ridiculous episode! Actually, I
must have been very surprised after the episode because of its
brilliance instead of having been surprised about its being a joke or
not. I'm so pissed off..

 This episode is a complete insult to the fans!

-Even RJ's entering the scene is a total mess and so sudden! First of all, we could have heard his voice or seen his shadow before he fully appears. That would arouse excitement more but all of a sudden, we see Sheriff!

big bad and master killer like RJ is begging Jane for his life! Bruno Heller ruined such a good character he has been built for six years in a few minutes. Besides, RJ feels sorry for Jane's family! Complete nonsense and bullshit! That kind of character never feels sorry and prefers dying instead of getting arrested.This is unbelievable! This is unacceptable. I can't believe that Bruno Heller wrote the episode. You
ruined this show Bruno Heller. I'm sorry but the truth hurts.

- Let's say we got over the fact that RJ turned out to be Sheriff. Xander Berkeley is a really good actor but you're giving him a few cheap dialogues Bruno! He also runs faster than Jane though being wounded. Jane is like a turtle! Bruno even can't use Xander Berkeley for this role, which had a real chance to become a cult but the show missed that opportunity.

- For the past six years, we've been waiting a
flashback about RJ's past but no! RJ character was sent off without
having been introduced to the viewers enough!.RJ character should have been explained and detailed completely before getting killed. Also, the clues throughout six seasons weren't explained. I wanted to hear them from RJ
himself and in that "big" confrontation! What a weak and childish confrontation! That must have been with high tension and in a cool way for both characters! What a pity! I still can't
believe! This must be a joke..They could have used great flashbacks for RJ's murders or preparations for murders and tricks just like "Saw" movie. Damn it, Bruno! Were you drunk while writing the episode?

- A man like Jane can't understand that the woman in the church is RJ's accomplice for a long time.

-RJ is entering a home, breaking glasses while running! What a ridiculous situation for these final moments of RJ!

- I wish 3rd season finale would've been the closure of
RJ Case...That was the best episode in the whole show! Clever, exciting, tricky, shocking and well-written.

- A real "Mentalist" fan can't have really liked this closure for RJ Case.

- Now , this show needs a better-written big bad than RJ and
it must not last for 4-5 seasons...

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