Who is Red John?

Theories of RedCrescent (6)

I just can't believe this! This closure for RJ Case is one of the biggest disappointments and scandals in TV history without doubt. Such a cheap, lazy, awful, ridiculous episode! Actually, I
must have been very surprised after the episode because of its
brilliance instead of having been surprised about its being a joke or
not. I'm so pissed off..

 This episode is a complete insult to the fans!

-Even RJ's entering the scene is a total mess and so sudden! First of all, we could have heard his voice or seen his shadow before he fully appears. That would arouse excitement more but all of a sudden, we see Sheriff!

big bad and master killer like RJ is begging Jane for his life! Bruno Heller ruined such a good character he has been built for six years in a few minutes. Besides, RJ feels sorry for Jane's family! Complete nonsense and bullshit! That kind of character never feels sorry and prefers dying instead of getting arrested.This is unbelievable! This is unacceptable. I can't believe that Bruno Heller wrote the episode. You
ruined this show Bruno Heller. I'm sorry but the truth hurts.

- Let's say we got over the fact that RJ turned out to be Sheriff. Xander Berkeley is a really good actor but you're giving him a few cheap dialogues Bruno! He also runs faster than Jane though being wounded. Jane is like a turtle! Bruno even can't use Xander Berkeley for this role, which had a real chance to become a cult but the show missed that opportunity.

- For the past six years, we've been waiting a
flashback about RJ's past but no! RJ character was sent off without
having been introduced to the viewers enough!.RJ character should have been explained and detailed completely before getting killed. Also, the clues throughout six seasons weren't explained. I wanted to hear them from RJ
himself and in that "big" confrontation! What a weak and childish confrontation! That must have been with high tension and in a cool way for both characters! What a pity! I still can't
believe! This must be a joke..They could have used great flashbacks for RJ's murders or preparations for murders and tricks just like "Saw" movie. Damn it, Bruno! Were you drunk while writing the episode?

- A man like Jane can't understand that the woman in the church is RJ's accomplice for a long time.

-RJ is entering a home, breaking glasses while running! What a ridiculous situation for these final moments of RJ!

- I wish 3rd season finale would've been the closure of
RJ Case...That was the best episode in the whole show! Clever, exciting, tricky, shocking and well-written.

- A real "Mentalist" fan can't have really liked this closure for RJ Case.

- Now , this show needs a better-written big bad than RJ and
it must not last for 4-5 seasons...

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Bruno said "There is a clue buried in that final sequence that will pay off big time
in the finale of the Red John story. A very big clue. No one will get
it from the clue as it is laid out in the episode, but it will pay off
We were looking for it in wrong places. It was simple.
It was Partridge's words "Tyger, Tyger"! We couldn't understand the situation in that episode but in 6x04, with Kirkland's explanations, it got some meaning and it's been unfolding since then. Of course, it will have a connection with RJ because he already had uttered this word in the third season finale. I think it's not curtains, 666 or else. It's a useless clue right now because we already know "Tyger Tyger" but I think it was the clue Bruno had mentioned.

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Latest spoilers from TVGuide & TVLine :

**Any hints about who survives the explosion on The Mentalist? — Eric

Spoiler alert: Jane lives! In all seriousness, the blast does take out a
significant number of Red John suspects, and before Sunday's episode is
over, Jane and Lisbon will go public with who they believe to be the
serial killer. But it can't be that easy. And of course, it won't be:
Look for Rockmond Dunbar to make his first appearance in the episode's waning moments. (Hint: He's not there to make friends.)

Source: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-SHIELD-Following-Scandal-Spoilers-1073297.aspx

**Question: Purdy, purdy please any scoop on The Mentalist. —Erin

Ausiello: If you thought, as some did (I’m looking at you,
Mitovich!), that last week’s episode-ending explosion was some sort of
neatly orchestrated diversion technique, oh how wrong you are. No, as
this coming Sunday’s episode opens, there are bodies (and, gulp, body
parts) to be found, while a frantic Lisbon places her trust in perhaps
the worst person possible.

Source: http://tvline.com/2013/11/12/homeland-season-3-where-is-brody-spoilers-ask-ausiello/

So, from the spoilers we can come to these conclusions:
1) The explosion wasn't planned by Jane. Probably RJ or his accomplice(s) did that.
2) Some of the suspects died. In this respect, tthe promo of 6x07 is very important IMO because on the board, we see Stiles, Haffner and Sheriff McAllister. According to this; there are two options:
A) They are the dead ones whose bodies were identified.
B) They are the ones who are missing or at large.
In this case we have two groups and if we can rule out one group, we'll go one step further: Stiles, Haffner and Sheriff McAllister  /  Smith, Bertram. I believe the ones on the board are dead.  I reall don't want that. The first group has more good candidates for RJ so I hope the board contains the ones who are at large or missing.

3) The person whom Lisbon trusts is most probably from "Tyger Tyger" and this could mess up a lot of things.

4)The press conference is interesting because according to the 6x07 promo, I presumed that it would be in the middle of the episode and the last scene would be the last scene of the promo 6x07 (surrounding the house)..So, I'm really curious about the last scene of 6x07 and I believe that RJ's identity will be explained in the last scene.

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You can find photos from 6x07 (Great Red Dragon) below and they contain spoiler:

Especially the last photo is interesting:


Jane is in the hospital so three things comes to my mind:
1- It wasn't Jane who exploded his house and he had a narrow escape.
2- One of the suspects shot Jane but he managed to escape.
3. For an unknown reason, Jane shot himself not to be seen as a suspect.


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After reading TVGuide's article,


- It looks like Gale Bertram is RJ.
- RJ is the head of "Tyger Tyger Organization".
- RJ is one of seven suspects.

**For me, this is a real disappointment if it turns out to be true. I would prefer Sherriff as RJ rather than Gale Bertram. As far as I see, the ones defending Bertram can't be RJ base their theories on his being "bald". This is unrealistic. Rosalind Harker is blind so Bertram had probably a wig on his head when he was with her. Consider this, as well.

- Unfortunately, if RJ is Bertram that would be a lame, poor and disappointing writing. Why? Once, Bruno would mess up a lot of thing he has built so far.  Being the leader of a group or having beeen involved in a group would be unrealistic for RJ's character. Especially "Tyger Tyger" is a huge risk for him because even one member could've exposed his identity. In this respect, it would be more logical for the members of Visualize to be his minions than the members of "Tyger Tyger Organization". If RJ is from both Tyger Tyger and Visualize, this would risk his  identity to be kept as a secret even more. Besides, RJ has always been reflected as "selfish and egoist" so he's not a type of killer to be a leader of a group. He just recruits minions and directs them according to his agenda. He's proud of himself and he is individual for his murders (apart from the fact that in any dangerous situation for his identity, he makes his minions  kill  the other minions). Shortly, he uses people, he doesn't lead or guide them.

- If RJ is Gale Bertram, this really humiliates Patrick because Patrick would've followed and investigated him even he had had a little suspect about him. OK, Patrick could have said he had a bad hunch for him but that's not enough. Think that he's his boss and RJ for all these years and Jane didn't notice anything about that. Come on, Jane's smarter than that.

- Also, Bertram is CBI Director so it must be hard for him to commit murders easily. He has an important job. I think that RJ must be someone to have more spare time than Bertram. I know some say his followers commit murders when he's not around but this is against his character if you ask me.

** I also want to state that this kind of narrative in season 6 is against the show's nature. There's always been twists, tricks, plays and surprises. Bruno couldn't have preferred this kind of pacing and narrative (Give the audience a confined list of suspects, eliminate the suspects one by one and find RJ step by step) as I mentioned before. This would lower the degree of surprise the audience would want. Even now (after TVGuide's article and 6x06), we are not excited enough because story is so restricted now for RJ's identity. There must be more than this. I think that Xander Berkeley  is a great actor so most of us would be inclined to be happy if McAllister turns out to be RJ. But Gale Bertram? Come on writers and Bruno.. You're better than that. Don't ruin everything.

- Finally, I hope RJ is not Gale Bertram but he's a very strong candidate in the light of TVGuide's article. I want to trust Bruno so I hope most of us would be surprised and satisfied after 6x08 (Red John).


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I want to share my thoughts with you (Some theories have inspired and helped my comments):

1) If RJ is on The List :

A)If RJ is one of the last 5 suspects:

think RJ wants to draw Jane's attention to "Tyger Tyger Organization".
As we know, Rj is not a stupid or naive killer. He is narcist so there
is no reason for him to be involved in any group. He just recruits
accomplices and directs them according to his agenda. He set up a plan.
He hired the PI and deliberatley showed his fake tattoo ,which is the
same as the"Tyger Tyger Organization", to her. That's why he said "Tyger
Tyger" at the end of S03 finale. He has something with "Tyger Tyger".
He may be in it in his early years but then quitted for onknown reasons.
He wants both to draw the attention on "Tyger Tyger" and to get off the
radar. In Jane's house, Bertram, Smith and McAllister have 3 dots
tattoo. I think these they are:

a) Moles of Bob Kirkland or something else. They infiltrated to "Tyger Tyger Organization" to bring them down.

b) They're high degree members of "Tyger Tyger" and not moles.

c) They're high degree members of "Tyger Tyger", not moles and trying to catch Red John for unknown purposes.

separated them from Bret Stiles and Ray Haffner. I don't believe Stiles
is Rj so that leaves "Ray Haffner." He must be RJ. By the way, it
seemed to me that especially Sheriff wanted to explain Jane their
position and agenda. Probably before the explosion, they told that they
were from "Tyger Tyger Organizaton"( as a moIe or not, we don't know
yet). That also explains why Jane tells Rigsby that he shouldn't trust
anyone in law enforcement. PJ learned about "Tyger Tyger" now.

the car that was about to crash with Lisbon's was very suspicious
(While Lisbon was hurrying to Jane's residence). Maybe, Jane and some of
the suspects were in it. Maybe RJ or his accomplice was in it. That was
an important scene IMO.Also, in the next episode trailer, I think I saw
the agent named Oscar Cordero who gave Rigsby the file of Kirkland's
death. As far as I saw, he was pulling his gun.
Rigsby and Van Pelt's departure could be result of his bullets. Maybe
one of them dies and the other one can't resist being in CBI any more so
he/she leaves as well.

B)If RJ is one of the suspects that are presumed "Dead":

Brett Partridge: I don't think Jane is so stupid not to be sure that
Partridge is dead. This point is so important. If RJ is Partridge, PJ is
a real moron and Bruno Heller messes up everything he has built so far.

Bob Kirkland: It's so interesting that we still haven't seen Patrick's
being informed about Kirkland's death!!! I don't think it's off the
camera becuse if it were that, Patrick Jane would investigate that
himself and that would be shown to the audience. There's something going
on there! By the way, I think that there's an important possibility
that Michael Kirkland is RJ. Why? Bruno Heller told that we can trust
that list. Yes , if Michael Kirkland is RJ, he is on the list as "image"
but not "as identity". Bruno may have told the truth "partially" in
this respect.

By the way, there is a certain pattern in suspect list:

-First, the writers kill the most suspected RJ candidate Brett Partridge.

-Then they kill Bob Kirkland, who had a same agenda with PJ.

Now, We have 5 suspects. Think about that.

- 3 of them are from "Tyger Tyger Organization".

- 2 of them are from "Visualize".

not a coincidence. Maybe "Tyger Tyger Organization" and "Visualize" are
rivals/ enemies for unknown reasons.We know that RJ has a connection
with Visualize (Even it could be personal (Bret Stiles). That also
explains why RJ is so eager to draw Jane's attention to "Tyger Tyger
Organization"..The most logical person to be RJ is Ray Haffner in this

2) If RJ is not on The List:

Also, I think that
the show must surprise the audience while revealing RJ's identity. Now, I
don't think most of us would surprise if RJ is on the list. Maybe we
would surprise if RJ were Smith or Stiles but not as much as it should
be. Throughout six seasons, we've been watching the show and waiting a
big surprise for RJ's identity. OK, Bruno Heller could have preferred
this kind of pacing and narrative to reveal RJ ( Give audience a list,
eliminate the people one by one, find RJ step by step) but this would
lower the degree of surprise that the audience would want. As a
conclusion, one part of me wants to believe that RJ is not on the list.
This would really surprise everyone. Jane has never revealed his list of
suspects (except Gale Bertram) he just confirmed RJ's list. That could
be the key point if RJ is not on the list.

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