Who is Red John?

Theory #15735 • by Theorynow


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hey guys - would you prefer scenario 1 or scenario 2 below?  Hit Green for scenario 1 and Red for Scenario 2.

Scenario 1.  The Red John reveal we got last Sunday is the end of Red John and all things Red John related and we get MacAllister as our man with no further explanations (basically what Heller and CBS gave us).

Scenario 2.  The rest of the series plays on as if Red John was MacAllister and no further explanations are provided, but in the last scene of the last episode of the show Jane opens a door to find a red smiley face and its obviously Red John killed Lisbon.  Again, in this scenario we get no further explanation about Red John, but we know that the ending we got wasnt really then end.

Which you guys prefer?

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