Who is Red John?

Theory #15271 • by Pitbat


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


OK OK! I can read a lot of people very angry here!

Please; stop insult Heller and be honest, there's absolutely nothing you would have been agree with concerning RJ's story. Why? Because after all this time you all thought RJ was a sort genius demon with magic powers, impossible to kill or catch, with some super powers like being invisible, telepahy,...
the best ending for most of us would have been RJ killing PJ and disappear in the dark. No one would have seen his face or hand or any detail, and the character and the show would have become a legend for all the geeks around the world... but it's a family show!

Of course, there are some mistakes in the story line, and about some details, but we know that the story is not written from the beginning. Heller did not choose RJ identity  before end of season 5. CBS has decided to stop the show after next season just few months ago, so it was time to think: "How to satisfy our fans by offering them a realistic end before we stop the show". And for me they did it, they made the job.

Just think about some logical facts like:
- RJ is a human being, nit a god, not a mutant.
- He has some weaknesses (birds fear, narcisism)
- He has a lot of "friends". that doesn't mean he is cool, but that a don't like to be alone and too coward to make the dirty job himself.
- OK he his very smart, but not Magic.
And as PJ always tells Lisbon: "magic doesn't exists, RJ is human!"

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