Who is Red John?

Theory #15076 • by Topher77


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Here is what disappoints me...I really don't care who was Red John, etc. I cared about Jane and the team. I remember watching the show for the first time. My wife and I didn't care about Red John. In fact it got kind of old. What we loved from Day 1 was Jane harassing some rich people or getting in someones head and dismissing them. It was comedy. It was drama. It was Jane just cleverly sticking it to people. So when people say "Well what do they do now?" My first answer was "go back to the formula that got the best ratings." The issue I have now is they took away the fun and now seem to be heading into this dark side of Jane and what will happen to the team. The best part of the show was Cho being serious/funny with one lines. Rigsby being a dufus. Jane playing people with a smirk. I'm afraid they'll just dismiss it.

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