Who is Red John?

Theory #15074 • by Whome


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


This whole season has been one big waste of a filler.  With the exception of the first few shows which were regular, non-RJ shows, the rest has been one big empty nothing.  All of those episodes could have been combined into a single one, with time to spare if the writing was decent.

In the finale, nothing is answered except for the bomb in PJ's house.  That again begs more questions than answers: a concussion bomb, followed by a real one.  Is the sheriff wearing blue magical socks that protect him from being knocked out?  That he has time to pull Bertram and PJ out of the harm's way?

Idiots, all around.  He saves PJ only to try to kill him by scheduling a meeting?  Double idiots, double round.

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