Who is Red John?

Theory #14937 • by Clorinda


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Just trying to nuance what's going on actually.



For some
weeks, I’ve enjoyed coming here to read theories and see if some people shared
my point of view on RJ identity or find arguments that could seriously invalid
it. But I have to say that since the RJ episode leaked, I don’t enjoyed coming
here so much.


While I
understand that some (many ?) may be disappointed by the reveal and/or the way
it was done, I for myself am disappointed in the way many people reacted so badly
that they show little respect and/or are being aggressively insulting toward
the show creator and cast work.

I’m not saying that everyone should like the
episode and the RJ storyline ending, far from it, but I truly believe that some
people here forgot that we represent a minority of The Mentalist viewers, who
has been particularly involved in the RJ storyline to the point of spending some
amount of time trying to solve the mystery by ourselves. As such, we were predictably
bound to find the end of the RJ plot   quite simplistic, minimalist, while it’ll be satisfying
for the average majority of viewers.

Yes, a lot of theories here were interesting and
made sense, were inventive and original, sophisticated even, explaining details
only we would consider as relevant to the RJ plot (when the regular audience
wouldn’t even notice them) , but if we try to be objective, we have to admit
that few of them would have been credible in regard of the show history and
background, of the way it had been written all those years.

I am not criticizing
anyone there, as I myself made the same mistake regarding VP role in the plot,
understanding only after I published a theory that it was unrealistic, that
even if it made sense, it couldn’t happen in the real show.

I’ll only add one more thing : we should consider
as a success and not a disappointment that many of us have guessed or suspected
RJ identity before watching the confirmation in the episode, even before the
608 promo. For those of us that had been attentive lately to the evolution of
the theories, votes, opinions and questioning, it had been obvious that the
turning point in understanding the truth had been “Fire and Brimstone” episode.
That’s the proof if needed that this website has played its role.
I truly hope that
once the shock fade out, people will start to see the RJ episode on a more
objective basis and appreciate (I’m not saying liking) the last scheming of RJ,
a scheming that had taken 8 episodes to prepare and unfold. While I have a lot
to say about it and its conclusion, about the way RJ reacted when he understood
he had lost, I won’t be doing it in this post and wait until after the episode

I’ll just
conclude by that thought : for once that a serial killer demise is not realized
in a stereotypical way, we should be grateful of the writers for their will to
give an original touch to a show which had manage to keep us on our toes for no
less than five and an half season, a testament that it is a very good one.

PS : sorry for any mistake, as English is not my first language.

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