Who is Red John?

Theories of Clorinda (3)


 (skip the italics part)



As I sadly expected
to,  anger, disappointment and virulent
reviews are still dominating this website because many people feel cheated by
an RJ storyline ending they judge too simplistic and obvious to truly satisfied
them. It’s almost like because we guessed RJ identity rightly long before the
airing and CBS promo mistake ( let’s be honest there), the ending could only be
a bad one. Where’s gone the proudness of outsmarting the show creator and
writers at their game ? Wasn’t it the reason we’ve been so involved there in
the first place ? Anyway,  I won’t say
anything more on the subject since I’ve already done so yesterday, explaining
why such a reaction has to be expected. (1)


I only
regret that such feelings make people blind to the point of not seeing RJ
strategy for the final encounter which explains a lot of questions we’ve been
wondering about (PI/3dots thing, Partridge death, the bomb at Jane’s house…).

makes sense when we admit a natural impression we got in 606, that the meeting
at Jane’s old house was meant to be the last one between the two enemies, not
only because Jane planned to kill RJ there but because RJ too intended to
definitively end the game in that precise place and occasion.

Let’s start
by the beginning : the game changing in Red John’s rules.

In his
video, RJ says “until you catch me or I
catch you”.
While it’s pretty clear what the “you catch me” means, a lot of
speculations have run about the strange “I catch you”. What does it mean for RJ
to catch Jane ? If it was simply killing Jane in order to prevent him to find
his true identity, RJ wouldn’t have bothered with the list and murdered him
already. The only logical interpretation is to understand the “I catch you” as “I con you” : at that point, RJ had already
planned his next course of action for the 8 following episodes or had a pretty
clear idea of what he intended to do. (2)

As to how
he guessed Jane’s list of suspects,
2 possibilities : or Jane used computers to eliminate and investigate his
suspects, leaving traces behind him (less likely) or he tricked RJ into
thinking he was making big, final progresses in order to make the killer
wanting to regain the upper hand, because to do so, RJ would have to show his
cards, the list of seven names, in which he had to include his own name to
cover his basis. (I’ll give you more details later if you are interested in


Partridge death :as we now know, Partridge had to cover the DNA falsification
which will allow RJ to fake his death after the explosion of Jane’s old house. It
had to be the first murder after the list reveal because he needed a gaps of
time long enough to assure himself that people won’t make connections between
the two events and draw the conclusion that a supposedly dead man is in fact
alive. Finally, luring Lisbon to the crime was a way for RJ to distract Jane
from the real purpose of the killing : too worried about his partner wellbeing,
he’d be less likely to think the legist died for any other reason than he wasn’t
anymore a useful RJ’s tool, than he was more of a risk than an advantage for
the serial killer, when he was carefully
preparing his disappearing.


PI murder/3 dots tattoo : Manipulating and killing the PI was
the last thing RJ needed to do to prepare the final confrontation between him
and Jane. At first sight, hiring the PI to bug CBI offices appears to be a
particularly clumsy, stupid move coming from such a great serial killer,
moreover so when he doesn’t complete his killing. But, on second sight, it
really is a smart move from his part : Rj wanted the PI to see his tattoo, gave
her the opportunity while fighting, and he wanted her to tell Jane about it,
the reason he left her still breathing.
But why would he do that ? It’s quite
simple in fact, and his plan all along :  Rj wanted Jane to reunite the remaining
suspects in a unique place and the only way to achieve that was to give him a
reason to : the 3 dots tattoo. He wanted them all together in order to stage
the RJ death by default : if all RJ suspects die in an explosion, it’s safe to
assume that RJ is dead. Who would suspect than one of them to fake his death ?
Certainly not Jane, since he’d be killed with them… (3)



conclusion, the whole thing tells us that RJ
intended to disappear after the villa explosion, to use his fake death as a way
of escape Jane vengeance and justice. No one else, not even Jane, was supposed
to survive the explosion.
Scientists would have found DNA of every people
present in the house when the explosion occurred and Lisbon, who knew who would
be there, would have confirmed that no one else was there. RJ’s freedom would
have been guaranteed without anyone knowing about it. He would have won.

for him, something has gone wrong and Smith, Bertram and Jane survived.

It was the beginning of his downfall. Highly
confident in his intelligence, he probably didn’t thought  something like that could happen and he had to
think fast about another plan., moreover so when Jane publicly accuse Bertram
of being RJ. It wouldn’t be strange that he started panicking to some degree,
anyone would have in this context. It only was a matter of time before Bertram
resurfaced, arrested by FBI or some other law enforcement, or trying to make
contact with Jane, which he did, in order to save his life. If he didn’t
already knew ( which would be strange with Jane being Jane), Jane would have
understand that Bertram wasn’t RJ and pursue his quest for revenge until he
finally succeed...

RJ's life
was at stake, his only solution was to kill Jane, no matter what. Pressed by
time, afraid for his life and freedom, reduced to react to events rather than
initiate them like he ordinarily do.

A desperate

Bound to
commit mistakes, to underestimate his enemy…

An ordinary
man facing death.





(1) see

(2) Pure
speculation : at that point in time (RJ’s rules), Jane had definitively refused
to give RJ his friendship which probably hurt the feelings of the killer, making
him start to think about a way of getting rid of Jane, since he couldn’t have
him. The Lorelei debacle was probably the detonator that made him act on his

(3) I tend
to believe, without having any proof or certitude, that Jane understood what RJ
intended to do. That’s why he took so much precaution while preparing the
meeting. I’ll add, regarding RJ’s reaction when accused of being RJ, that he wasn’t
as convincing as he could have been because it didn’t really matter as everyone
was supposed to die soon.

Argue on this theory or rate it.

Just trying to nuance what's going on actually.



For some
weeks, I’ve enjoyed coming here to read theories and see if some people shared
my point of view on RJ identity or find arguments that could seriously invalid
it. But I have to say that since the RJ episode leaked, I don’t enjoyed coming
here so much.


While I
understand that some (many ?) may be disappointed by the reveal and/or the way
it was done, I for myself am disappointed in the way many people reacted so badly
that they show little respect and/or are being aggressively insulting toward
the show creator and cast work.

I’m not saying that everyone should like the
episode and the RJ storyline ending, far from it, but I truly believe that some
people here forgot that we represent a minority of The Mentalist viewers, who
has been particularly involved in the RJ storyline to the point of spending some
amount of time trying to solve the mystery by ourselves. As such, we were predictably
bound to find the end of the RJ plot   quite simplistic, minimalist, while it’ll be satisfying
for the average majority of viewers.

Yes, a lot of theories here were interesting and
made sense, were inventive and original, sophisticated even, explaining details
only we would consider as relevant to the RJ plot (when the regular audience
wouldn’t even notice them) , but if we try to be objective, we have to admit
that few of them would have been credible in regard of the show history and
background, of the way it had been written all those years.

I am not criticizing
anyone there, as I myself made the same mistake regarding VP role in the plot,
understanding only after I published a theory that it was unrealistic, that
even if it made sense, it couldn’t happen in the real show.

I’ll only add one more thing : we should consider
as a success and not a disappointment that many of us have guessed or suspected
RJ identity before watching the confirmation in the episode, even before the
608 promo. For those of us that had been attentive lately to the evolution of
the theories, votes, opinions and questioning, it had been obvious that the
turning point in understanding the truth had been “Fire and Brimstone” episode.
That’s the proof if needed that this website has played its role.
I truly hope that
once the shock fade out, people will start to see the RJ episode on a more
objective basis and appreciate (I’m not saying liking) the last scheming of RJ,
a scheming that had taken 8 episodes to prepare and unfold. While I have a lot
to say about it and its conclusion, about the way RJ reacted when he understood
he had lost, I won’t be doing it in this post and wait until after the episode

I’ll just
conclude by that thought : for once that a serial killer demise is not realized
in a stereotypical way, we should be grateful of the writers for their will to
give an original touch to a show which had manage to keep us on our toes for no
less than five and an half season, a testament that it is a very good one.

PS : sorry for any mistake, as English is not my first language.

Argue on this theory or rate it.

Hello to
every readers !


Here are
some of my analysis and theories I’d like to share with you.
I’ve tried to use only
objective and verified clues, ignoring all elements that at this time are too hazardous,
uncorroborated or only usefull once RJ name will be known.

I’ll first
expose some general considerations, then submit my favorite theory about the
killer identity.
I know it’s quite long so feel free to select what interest
you the most.


1-      RJ killings : we can see an interesting evolution
regarding his victims and motivations :


_ At first, they were all women, all killed in the same way, the smiley face
always present on the crime scene. At this stage, the only anormality resided
in the Janet and Carter Peak murder, in which we know the serial killer made a


_ Then, he killed Charlotte and Angela Jane in retaliation to Patrick’s
interview because he felt insulted. That is the first time he murdered someone
for other reason than his need, but only to teach a lesson. At this point, he
didn’t considered Jane as someone special (“worm”, "fraud")


Start of season one


_ After that, we can note a clear change in his motivations : he killed
Jared Renfrew to protect his identity, then murdered Towlen Morning, Marlon
Hicks, Bosco’s team and Rebecca Anderson in order to covered his mistake in the

 Emma Plaskett, a classical RJ
murder, became the exception moreover so that RJ use it to taunt Jane ( red
toenails, smiley in the sky) : the game between them begun.


_ The new bond between Jane and RJ is clearly established when RJ killed
Dylan and Ruth ( copycats) to save Patrick.



       ð  In the space of one season, RJ’s will to punish Jane morphed into a will
to protect him : what happened ?


_ Jackie Sandoval, killed because she mocked him (“horrible RJ”) and Kristina
Frye who had spoken about him on TV hypnotized ( psychic irony  of the “living dead” +Jane interest)     


_ Panzer : RJ killed for Jane, which means he wanted to be a kind of friend to Jane.


_ Lorelei Martins : RJ killed her for his protection and to punish her
for her betraying.


_ Eileen Turner and Sophie Miller death followed the change oh the rules
: RJ’s back as an attacker.


_ Partridge : both attack and defense.


     ð  Rj isn’t a traditional serial killer anymore. ( since the start of the serie and season one, there really isn't anymore pure style RJ killings) What does he want with
Jane ? Friend ? Apprentice ? Equal ?
(Lisbon different smiley a sign she reserved
for Jane to prove himself a friend of RJ?)


ð  “I catch you “ : unlikely the death of Jane. The things above or the madness ?


2-      RJ’s characteristics and network :


_ His
knowledge in Literature and his wording, tends to prove he is well-educated, as
well as his tendencies for playing with words.

_ Since
many of his followers and allies are in law enforcement, we can safely suppose
that he himself belongs to law enforcement (the list of seven tends to confirm

_ Since it
would be quite unrealistic that two secret networks coexist in the same background
(law enforcement), it’s also safe to assume that the RJ’s circle is the same as
the Tyger one or that it is a confidential subdivision of it.

_ It would
be a mistake to believe RJ is omnipotent. Even if he is a great mind, he can’t
have mastered all the skills he’s demonstrated so far. For some of them, he needs
accomplices not only to kill but to be informed too. The most probably one is computer
skills, except if he is part of CBI.

Connections to Vizualize :

If the informations we got are corrects, there is a link between RJ an
Vizualize starting with Elliston barn (first smiley, drawn by some kid). If not
the killer of the two men or the “artist”, RJ was there. We might suppose that
the barn were a place where young troubled people could find help : were RJ one
of those people or one of the people offering help ? An outsider living around
the barn ?

      . Again, would it be realistic that
Vizualize members coexist with the Tyger group ? It’s at least more plausible
since Vizualize existed long before Tyger group and RJ. If there’s really two
networks, they at least have to be aware of one another. They might even be
interconnected or confounded since it look like a certain number of cops are
affiliate to the sect. At last, RJ could have used his connection to Vizualize
to access/create the Tyger group.


_ Roy
Tagliaferro seems to be a pseudo RJ used various times before season one when
doing his killer’s activities (Miranda), then why using it with Rosalind Harker
? If he had met her in his daily life, he would have given her his true
identity. Had he chosen her as a new victim or a tool ? Then, why did he not
killed her or use her in his plans ? Because she’s blind ? She could still
identify him…
Moreover, he’d spent lot of time with her (months), probably
going to her place when he didn’t work ( was supposed to be a business man),
which tends to demonstrate he was genuinely caring for her, as him not killing
her after she didn’t identify Timothy Carter as RJ, instead of the morgue

Another possibility would be that his excuse for meeting her were
true, that his car really broke down near a place while he was going to or back
a crime scene, so in order to not arise suspicions, he gave her an alias in
case someone ask about him ?



3-      One theory about RJ identity.


Some of you
might have guess at this point where my reflections lead me to.

Since I
think that the first season is the turning point in RJ criminal carrier, I
believe McAllister is the most plausible suspect :

_ Jane was
already working with the CBI for some years before season one but RJ’s victims
and motivations only change in the course of that first season, meaning something
in that laps of time triggered the change.

_ his
meeting with Jane could explain why he stopped considering him as a fraud who
didn’t know what he was talking about and started seing him as a mind of equal
quality, first with the demonstration of rock, paper, scissors, then with the
way he solved the case assigned to the team. Finally meeting someone of his
intellect, and being confident in his own skills, it seems only natural for RJ
to want to explore this new possibility, hence the killing becoming more of a
way to resolve problems and taunt Jane than a way to satisfy his need for blood
and/or, exert power.


_ Most of
known RJ accomplices were coming from small cities or rural backgrounds,
especially the one closest to him ( Tanner, Hardy,…) which tends to suggest Rj
himself is of the rural kind.

_ The fact
Miranda knew his alias (Roy) suggest that he met his victims prior to murdering
them. Maybe the fact that he wants his victims to see him before killing them
is to be recognize on purpose and inspiring more terror ? Finally, who better
than an officer of the law wearing a uniform could inspire trust to women ? If
there isn’t any sign of breaking and entering in the homes’ victims, it equally
explain how he penetrated said home late at night without leaving a trace.

_  The first real proof we have of RJ having
access to CBI (by computer) showed in the season one final with the computer
hacking. I don’t take into account Jared Renfrew case since by his story, his
background and his acquaintances, it’s more than likely that RJ kept an eye on
him all the time. Since he probably didn’t possess computer skill, an
accomplice was necessary and who better than an inside man could manage such a
task ?


There, it’s pure speculation : I think that at
some point, Van Pelt had been recruited by RJ to keep an eye on the team and
Jane’s progress :

     .  It’s always on her computer that RJ passes his
messages and she often seems to be there listening in, particularly when Jane
and Lisbon are implied.

      . She appears like the most likely people
on the team to be corrupted ( quite naïve, troubled past, openness to psychic

      . her choice to broke with Rigsby in
order to stay in the team? ( various lectures possible)

       . a feeling of darkness, mystery around

        . Ultimately, her newfound happiness
and wedding : I tend to believe that in order to compensate the lost of Rigsby,
RJ gave Van Pelt another love interest, that she had to kill to protect herself
and her secret alliance. But doing so, she started to doubt her choices, to
question herself. As the occasion arose again and she’s become more confident, she
took a chance with Rigsby again, which incited her to stop her “partnership”
with RJ, hence the reason why RJ needed a PI to bug the CBI office, in order to
know what’s going on. That betraying could explain hers and Rigsby's future
departure ( murder to punish the betrayal).


_ Some more

 . good shooter

member of the Tyger group

. strange
fact that he knows people as Bertram and Smith when he shouldn’t in regard of
his jog and location, that he’s more that comfortable with them.

. in a way,
his face remind me of the smiley



Thank you
for reading this. I’ll be happy to answer you if you have any question, remark
or argument corroborating or contradicting my theories


NB :
despite the appearances, I believed that Haffner is more on the good side than
the bad one : he might have been one of those young people helped by Vizualize
at Elliston barn, knowing or suspecting what had happened there but no free of
telling anything. His multiple changes of jobs might be a way to distance
(protect?) himself from the Tyger group and/or RJ ( seems to know a lot about
them), his tries to make Lisbon accept his offers a way to protect her too,
since it looks like he cares genuinely for her.

Argue on this theory or rate it.
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