Who is Red John?

Theory #14726 • by Topher77


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Ok. So major studios make 100 million dollar movies and every once in awhile they will make a 5 minute alternate ending that doesn't blow their budget and that 5 minutes is a small part of what they want to do and is in the back of a DVDYet a TV show that has fans but has no one figuring out who their main plot killer is besides a few people on a website leads writers to spend time making a COMPLETE fake episode to trick fans and spend a ton of CBS money? And they accidentally leak it to trick a small amount of fans even though there is no way to know who the killer is. AND the leak is getting no press but on a fan site.....can we just admit that the final show is what you saw and Partridge and no one else is coming back...

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