Who is Red John?

Theory #13108 • by JuanelRojopiojo


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Its me or  that figure   going into the  Church   and   the  VOICE  we hear in the promo are actually     " SAUL TIGH"ts?

Anyway,  RJ this, RJ that     RJ What.

I want  some  opinions  about if there REALLY is  a  MOLE  in  PJ  inner circle    and who  is it.
We can discard Lisbon  so      Cho/VPelt/Rigsby.

If tehres  a mole  is it direct mole  to  RJ  or  Tiger Tiger  ( unlikely if its one of the married couple  i mean.....you would have notice  the  3 points in  bed.....or are they shy like hell and turn the light off?¿?¿?¿?   )

Wanna hear some theories bout this.


1 Why?
2 How could  this have  happened under  PJ nose and him not realizing?

How do you find this theory?
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