Who is Red John?

Theory #13092 • by melo


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


My final theory: There is a red john serial killer and a red john's right hand killer (his highest disciple)RJ killed: the people in the barn, Jane's family, Lorelei, Eileen Turner, Panzer, Sandoval, Hicks, Plaskett, Acar and RenfrewRJ's right hand killed: Dr. Morning, Dylan and Ruth, Deutsch, Tinsley, Miranda Martins, Janet and Carter Peak
*Sophie Miller could go either way***Partridge could go either way, and I will at least entertain the possibility he is alive, though I think that is ridiculous**The differences are stark. RJ kills with a knife, leaves his signature smiley face and absolutely no one is left alive. The scenes are all gruesome. The other murders are not nearly as neat and clean. It is possible that the Peaks were murdered by a 3rd person and Rj subsequently had that person killed as part of the clean-up due to the dna evidence. Many of the other murders resulted in the person still being alive (Miranda, partridge, and Dylan) at least for a bit...they also had methods that were all over the map - guns, electrocution, guns, strangulation...

The person in the church is the right hand (or at least the current right hand). He sounds like the RJ that saved Jane bc he IS that person. RJ's right hand killed Dylan and Ruth and saved Patrick. This very well may be McCallister. Description fits and he is a voice actor. This will also be how the writers explain the difference in voice between RJ and that person. Basically I think the list of 7 was the list of people who could be RJ's right hand (a killer, and someone responsible for many of the murders attributed to RJ)...

I am not sure who the two individuals are, but I am 99% certain that this is how it will play out no matter who the two are...RJ clearly has an MO, it was something we were reminded of again and again with the smiley face. It was almost a taunt to Jane every single time he killed. He hired a skywriter for god's sake. It also explains the different descriptions by different people. I think VERY FEW, if ANY characters actually met the REAL RJ. I think most of them met the right hand. This also fits with the symbolism of blake's painting the great red dragon perfectly - RJ is the dragon. Tyger, Tyger is the first beast (all 7 suspects) to which the dragon gave his power, and the right hand is the second beast...to protect the first and the dragon.
People who met the REAL RJ - Stiles and Michael Kirkland, Renfrew, Rosalind, Orville, Dumar...possibly Haffner in his youth, and maybe sophie miller
People who met the right hand - Lorelei, Patrick (he shook hands with the right hand), Kristina Frye, Lisbon (abducted by the right hand), Rebecca

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