Who is Red John?

Theory #12960 • by melo


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Not a theory, but after watching a few older episodes, and specifically "redshirt," I've decided I'm going to be completely disappointed sunday if RJ someone on the list of 7.

In redshirt jane solves a case using at least 3 clever schemes and discovers that Doc's wife still loves him. This happens in 48 hours. If Jane kills RJ and it is someone on the list it will be bc RJ made two HUGE mistakes after making like 2 small ones in 25 years. Firet RJ shares the bit about shaking hands, then he doesn't kill the private Investigator and she sees his 3 tattoos.there is nothing clever about it. No twist. No great wcheme to teick the bad guy ibto making a miatake, just oure dumb luck. Just thinking abiut it upsets me.

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