Another random thought... The idea of Stiles "knowing more than both PJ and RJ" could tie in nicely with a theory whereby Jane agrees to disapear Stiles (and maybe Hafner too) in exchange for info. Perhaps Stiles has RJ-pertinent info but doesn't know who exactly is RJ. Bear with me...
Maybe Stiles knows about the Blake Assoc. (maybe somehow he knows this through Visualize spying or some other way). Stiles trades that info to Jane.
Jane agrees and now knows the 3-Dots are not RJ but rather just the dirty cops. Stiles agrees to play along with PJ's "hoax" at the house so long as nobody is killed. So maybe no one in the house is killed and the dead bodies are cadavers with planted DNA...for this to bear out, either Hafner and Stiles have to plant their DNA and maybe McAllister cuts of his hand or something to leave his and to get away (since they now know hes Blake Assoc...). Another option is that McAllister calls in a Blake favor and has the lab lie about the DNA...
That's about as far as I get with this thought...I also am not saying any of this is what I think will happen. I just want to throw out a group of ideas.
I always comment for all of you folks, so I'd love to get some thoughts on the pieces involved here..
As I said before, I think Stiles is the one that says "No, wait" before the bomb goes off. So is he saying that to Jane so he doesn't shoot? DOes he say it to the guy sitting next to him (Hafner-with a detonator...)