Who is Red John?

Theory #11962 • by JuanelRojopiojo


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


The way  this has been set up   the options are limited.

A) Whatever  Kirkland,  as  in  Bob  "lost  his bro " to  " red  john"  in a  " your father was betrayed by a  jedi called darth vader"  .  Stupid.

B) Partridge,  oh, so obvious  gets himself  " killed" first to operate freeley.  Booooooring.

C)  Patrick jane,  finally comes  to realize  he is a bipolar  psyco   and goes to pray  .  Pffff    so many seasons for this shit?

Any other solution will  be  so much more  dissapointing.

So i guess  we are up  for a dissapointment regardless.

Lets get crazy  and say  red john is  Chos  drugadict  ex girlfriend,  or janes father!!!!

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