Who is Red John?

Theory #11722 • by melo


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


only a few hours away...let's discuss desert rose. many people have said Partridge is alive...if that is so, it says quite a few things that would be quite important:
1.) Partridge has a partner who is NOT bugged. And he would have to be one of his closest disciples (is this where Michael Kirkland makes an appearance)
2.) Partridge (aside from the partner) is also in tyger, tyger. In order for him to be alive, the entire crew that came to the crime scene would have to be TT. I DO NOT believe BP is RJ, but it is possible that another csi, a coroner, an emt, and a few officers are all TT and came bc tyger, tyger and Rj knew he was bugged.
3.) We know Rj is at least partially connected to Visualize, which means Visualize and Stiles would be connected directly to Tyger, tyger as well...is this why RJ tried to blow up the entire house with visualize and TT members + jane.
This is just my opinion, but all of this seems SOOOOO far fetched I can't even begin to fathom it. BP does not in anyway seem like the type to be taken in by Stiles. He has the lowest position in law enforcement, which would make it very hard to control people more powerful than he and to exert any sort of pressure on people like Smith, Bertram, or mccallister. I see no reason for someone like Lorelei, Frye, etc. to be attracted or drawn to him. Not only that, but the massive level of cover up and TT members necessary to facilitate his death would be extraordinary.
SOOOO the next issue is...if he isn't RJ, then 1 of two options become evident. RJ knows all about the bugs and knew where BP was (and why the fuck he was there) and left is phone somewhere where he should be to cover it up. This implicates Van Pelt, as she would have to tell RJ where BP is and let him know he is bugged. Orrrr...someone not on the list is RJ, is not bugged and simply followed BP to the location. Still, the question is, why did he get called to that location...I am not ruling out that BP was a double agent for RJ and TT...or that someone in TT told him to be there and RJ got the info from van pelt...

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