Who is Red John?

Theory #11659 • by Hattrick_Jane


Lorelei Martins

Lorelei Martins
Suspected in 44 theories


First of all I think Lorelei Martins is Red John, because of 'He is Mar'

This is the Theory http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/11648

Let us discuss one Major Point.

According to TV Guide spoiler of 6.08 'Red John', in the next episode

1. Lisbon is a small time police officer
2. Rigsby and Van Pelt have a detective agency
3. Cho is in the CBI
and most importantly
4. Patrick is a 'Wanted Man' after killing Red John

Patrick kills Red John and is a wanted man, which means he is not able to prove whoever he killed to be Red John.

I think that is one majoy clue, we need to identify that one person whom if Patrick kills he is going to jail and that will be Red John. What say? 

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