Theres something wrong. First Bruno started to kill the most popular suspects, then left enough connections for any one of the suspects, making us think if RJ was changed during the show.
1- come on, Why PJ would think Rj will accept his threat knowing he was a suspect and there were a plan there to get him? And PJ could do better, more technologies, tranqüilizer dart to get everyone to sleep, bullet proof vest, a place no one could escape, locking automatically all the doors, recording everything and sending through internet, in case Rj gets him first. Looked like western movies. It's a ten Years revenge on someone "impossible" to get. Threating everyone into a meeting?
2- i don't like the theory of the list Being fake. Would be cheating for me. anyway, Rj thinks it's real. Would you go to that meeting? I would kill PJ, if i accept trying not to be more suspicious, i knew i had friends there, which would pretend to be me. But i would prepare something (probably not only PJ made tricks there).
3- i like Sherrif as a characther, He's my second suspect, but he didnt appear enough. He's calm, instinctive, hunter, likes PJ, but was the most unexpected suspect of the list, it's like anyone could be Rj before this season, and there were not enough connections before to be a real puzzle.
4- i agree with someone who said that maybe only someone undead coming to be Rj, would bring something interesting to the end. I definitly did not like that meeting. Too common during the show and unplausible for the situation (only dangerous people who knew they were suspect).
5- Bruno followed a smart path, if he cant erase the clues that made people find out who Rj is, it's a good way to make more clues to the others suspects.
I don't know who he is, but Ray Haffner Keeps his clark Kent face and has not more clues (except the spider, subtle clue compared to the others)
Thanks for reading, let's want more from the next shows.