Who is Red John?

Theory #10017 • by Topher77


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Here is my question...do we really know anything?

Yeah, TV Guide kind of spoiled some things. Heller let some things out. But overall, is there really a legit guess? I tell you where I'm coming from

1) One of the constant clues regards Rosalind Harker and her knowing his face, voice, etc. But we are going on the word of a blind woman...is she blind?...that could be part of a conspiracy, a cover up or even Red John. We are all chasing this under 6 ft guy guy with short, straight hair because SHE said so. Why trust her?

2) The handshake. We don't know with certainty if the handshake was shown on TV, from early in the seasons, etc. We do know that Lorelei saw it. But here is my rub with that. Tyger/Tyger is a group who may or may not be under Red John. How do we know who she saw shake hands with PJ was Red John? Maybe that person...like Hafner might..worked for RJ but there have been so many associates, etc of RJ she might have been as out of the loop as anyone.

So overall, I guess we have it narrowed down but I think the answer of who could be anything because none of the clues came to as as fact, only as hints from people we may/may not have reason to trust on the show.

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