Who is Red John?

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Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


This site is alive again!!!!
So many great posts from people with OPEN MINDS!
I have not seen this site like this since everyone was convinced that Brett Partridge was Red John.

So it looks like we have 2 major suspects:
Grace Van Pelt and Wayne Rigsby
Who woulda thought that after all this time crazy ass stoopkid was right ?!?
And yes i will expect apologies from certain posters who called me horrible names and stalked me for months.
But your ignorance only made me stronger !! Jk its just a show ! But what a great show it is!!

Jane is using Haibach just like he did in the Panzer case.
It makes red john think Jane is on the wrong trail but wow is RJ wrong.
Jane has been waiting for moment for years now!

So my question to you is ...Grace or Wayne ?

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I have a feeling that the people who kidnapped Grace is Jane! He set a trap for Rigsby. And back to the Red John episode, I think that Jane only "killed" the BA and the sheriff was the boss of the group. They killed like it was Red John and it made angry the real RJ.

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Well, Grey Water for me was the most interesting episode in a while!  Here are some things I noticed:

1.  Wayne said their daughter would be fine with Grace's Aunt (and Ben with his mother) -- still wondering just WHO is Grace's family?!  

2.  Jane dares old team to go with first instincts on recent killings:

Cho picks -- Tommy Volker
Wayne -- John Hutten
Grace -- Donny Culpepper
Lisbon -- Haibach//Linus Wagner

What's interesting is that JANE'S pick ISN'T mentioned -- but I wonder if it's JASON COOPER --- there has to be a Visualize connection:  we KNOW Stiles and Haffner are alive, right?

3.  Jane doesn't greet Grigsby as warmly as you'd expect.  Then, Cho hugs them, and Jane looks at Cho strangely. So, question is:  WHY is this moment strangely perfunctory and strained when it should be a warm welcoming?

4.  Jane says to Agent Fischer: "Where did the wheel of death stop today?"  This is curious because it makes me think about the WHEEL theme in this show that goes easily unnoticed -- 1) Wayne, Wagner and Wainwright all mean makers of wheels, and 2) Jane's wife's family ran carnival Ferris Wheel and 3) Jane's father took Jane up on Ferris Wheel to force him to practice his eye for detail -- "wheels turning" is also a mentalist thing, a mind never sleeping, never stopping

When Wayne stands in front of the bar "El Lazo" [which means "Loop" in English] -- he's standing next to TWO WAGON WHEELS.  There are also several motorcycles lined up curbside -- just noticed there were a lot of wheels in that shot.

5.  Does anyone else think that it seems like Wayne ALREADY knows what's going to happen?  And when he calls Grace -- the way he said "You know I love you, don't you?"  Did he KNOW she was going to be abducted?  

I'm now wondering if he set up the break in at his house in the beginning.  What was weird about that was the shooter cocked his gun, giving full warning that he was there.  Sorry -- if you want to really shoot someone, you're not going to give them a head start to get away.

6.  I think Wayne choose Hutten to distract from his possible connection with Hutten, and the whole finding him with a girlfriend in bed -- that was VERY coincidental that on the way to a bar, Wayne just happens to spot his car?  Now that Hutten is discounted, Wayne could potentially use him.

7.  Preview of "White as the Driven Snow":  Jane is talking about Haibach to Wayne but think Jane is using Haibach to make someone [Wayne?] think he's off their trail.  

Wow, Wayne feels really suspicious!

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If anyone wants to get inside the crazy mind of Wayne Rigsby watch the two episodes with his dad in them as well as the high school reunion episode .
I know someone will argue and say just because someone had a bad childhood does not mean they will be serial killers ..but Rigsby had it bad as a kid and the writers wanted us to know that so it matters.
His dad beat him and messed with his head. "Weakness is in the eyes boy" which reminded me of the red john smiley face bleeding from the eyes.
His dad uses a small knife just like red john. And when Rigsby watched his dad wip out the knife you could see Wayne's eyes fill up with fear. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

I know its hard to prove that Wayne was actually Derrick Logan but it may be true.
Firstly Rigsby made GVP take his place in that episode .
Rigsby was overly curious about what it was like there .
He knew Gabe Nylands secret flight patterns that were private !
He looked like Derrick Logan .
Derick Logan was bound and tied up with black tape by a popular girl.
Red john bounds and ties women the SAME EXACT WAY!
Red John is basically killing the same female bully over and over again in a sense ..
The story goes that Derrick Logan committed suicide but maybe he joined Visualize and got clean.
Again, its all speculation but dam good speculation.

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This is from Wikipedia about Rigsby 

Early life

Not much is known about Rigsby's childhood, aside from the fact that his father was a motorcyclist and was in a motorcycle gang. His father was in and out of jail for numerous crimes, including manslaughter; it is strongly implied Rigsby was the victim of child abuse. Rigsby worked as an arson specialist in San Diego before becoming a CBI agent. Rigsby seems to be good friends with Cho and Jane.


He is frequently trying to imitate Jane in his antics and way of life, such as trying to hypnotize a suspect and failing. He also seems to be more daring than Cho in some ways, such as when he runs in to a burning house to save someone and in the process receives second degree burns on his arm.

O my good !!! now i am more shore than ever that he is red john

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Theory #522 • By Killgood 
Posted 1 year ago

It took this from Xenon in Yahoo answers and I agree with it. The text was in spanish so i'll try to translate it to english

In the last chapter of the first season, RJ's ex-girlfriend(Harker Rosalind), describes him as a good person (insists precisely on the fact that he is a very good person, and that allows him to see into people's inside) so Red John, or the character who represents, also appears to the viewer as a good person. The ex-girlfriend also describe him as high and Caucasian. This matches with Rigsby. 

Another suspicious detail is that Rigsby and Harker Rosalind didn't appear together in the episode (so she couldn't identify him), and many other aspects, the conclusion is quite simple. 

To give some examples, Rigsby shows great concern for the content of their personal file, which was read by Cho, and he demandded him what did it say about him.

 On the other hand, Rigsby shows a strange trauma to women, a sort of inability to communicate with the beloved, or to confess his feelings, to Grace Van Pelt continuously. Apparently, it's a trauma that goes back to childhood, and the causes and consequences are, ineffably, behind the chain of murders starring Red John.

 RJ is always aware of the steps of the group of Lisbon and Jane, something that could only happen if RJ is a real insider. So he could always go ahead of them. 

Moreover, in the chapter on the hypnotists, Rigsby says at one point that, killing when you are drunk "could happen to anyone." What's more, in that same episode, when hypnotized, he reveals his true self violent, attacking several people, and being about to throw Patrick Jane from a rooftop when Jane had said minutes ago that "a hypnotized saint is still a saint, "that means that if he was a good person he would have behaved as one, no matter how hypnotized he was.

I hope the translation is good enough

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None of these: Grigsby is NOT Red John, but is connected to The Blake Association. Stiles accuses him of being dim-witted, usually happens when a disappointed relative get frustrated and voices their complaints out loud. 

He's made a few off-camera remarks.... Blake needs some plausible brains with muscle, not like Kirkland, Smith and LaRoche. Bad DNA .... Blake needs younger, female and inconspicuous. 

He's high on the totem pole, he's on the move, and not in-the-lead. A good place to be for a young Blake member.

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