Who is Red John?

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I think majority of us are focused on the disappointing episode of Red John and not realizing why Heller decided to write it that way. 

I believe the reason as to why Heller wrote/directed this episode was due to an internal problem in the production/management. 

1) This show is his gem!

2) He always took it to the next level when he wrote episodes for the series.

3) Considered to be the most anticipated episode, watched by millions, and has a large fanbase. 

So why would he a) leak the episode b) barely make an attempt to remove the leaked footage c) produce such poor quality of an episode d) doesn't even bother giving a proper explanation?

The way the episode was directed seemed as a mock; like it was meant to mock someone. We, the viewers, instantly thought it was a fake cause of how ridiculous it was.

But I believe the real reason behind it is that Heller was trying to prove a point, more precisely to management members or production crew. 

There could have been an internal problem, and Heller took it personal, and as revenge produced such low quality of an episode. Just to prove or further anger the person/s that started it.

Of course the whole fanbase will turn against him, and viewers rate will go downhill; there is a risk that the continued episodes might not be to that level/standered and CBS could just end the series.

If it did turn out that it was an internal problem, Heller shouldn't have taken it out on the most anticipated episode that millions were waiting years for. 

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Heller, you arrogant, blind prick, read this:

First of all, Red John's lack of cleverness and dialogues in last episode were bull FUCKING shit.
Without further ado, these are the first things came to my mind after watching your bullshit.

1. Both RJ and PJ are MASTERS of hypnosis. There's something called self-hypnosis, good hypnoticians can make your phobias go away easily, they can make you quit smoking and many miraculous things too, so how the FUCK ON EARTH RJ IS STILL AFRAID of damn pigeons? This is retarded man.

2. I made many of my friends and my girlfriend go watch this series from the beginning, first thing I'll do is, I'll call them and apologize for this ending. I didn't see it coming.

3. I was very disappointed and do not blame it on my "high" expectations, you made it this high and this character just doesn't fit. I wish you could go out of the list and make it more interesting and clever with a charismatic character.

4. What was that old (2nd season I think) Red John clue "He is mar" about? "He is marshall"? Who the hell would write that with their blood on wall while they are dying? You would try to write his name if you're willing.

5. There are so many loose ends about RJ and Heller is saying he won't be explaining them nor Red John's background in next episodes. WHY? "Because it wouldnt be interesting anymore", he must be kidding me. He did not mention RJ's background here neither. So we'll watch to see how happily Jane runs along the shores from now on like nothing happened. I'm so excited. So very much.

6. Lastly, I wish Simon Baker could go ahead and say he didn't like this at all, instead of word-playing there. At least he made his point though.

Fuck you Bruno Heller, I will just keep watching The Mentalist until the end just out of respect for my last 5 years, then I will stay away from your next projects. 

My sincere thanks to the brilliant actors and crew of The Mentalist, they did their best all those years.

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The whole show was like a foreplay and all by sudden we got fucked in the ass without lube! so shocking .... 
No closure whatsoever.

To hell with you Heller! 

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first of all excuse my poor english
I have some questions
why some people are disappointed about this episode of The Mentalist?
some people say that why red john ask for mercy?
well this is obvious..it's because he is a psychopath..he is crazy.. he was smart yes but he isn't sane
you can't predict his actions.
why you imagine red john as a fearless person who doesn't fear of death?
having that said I think the red john case isn't close yet
I think (or I hope :) ) there will be another revealing of red john and McAllister isn't the real red john
look at s04 e13 at the scene that rosalind called patrick
look at red john's hand and look at mcallister hand in s06 e07
it's not solid evidence but i think is enough to count mcallister out of the list of our red john suspects

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Sounds to me like Heller had already moved on to his new pet project (the new Gotham series perhaps) and wrapping this story line up was done as quickly as possible. Kind of like when you've landed a new job, but you still have some loose ends to tie up on a long running project at your old job right before your last day there... You want to do as little amount of work and spend as little energy as possible on that last project so you can move on to your next. That's how last night's episode occurred to me---and here's the crux of why everyone is upset ---the resolution is subpar because of the really good story line and build up leading into it. BH et al was the one who set the bar so high, and then left us with this so called resolution and called it done. Very lame, and we feel cheated, that's all.

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bonjour , à tous , nous savons désormais qui est RJ... Pour ma part je n'en suis pas si sur . L'épisode est bien fait et très sympas , mais je n'est pas ressentis au moment de la découvert de l'identité de RJ , ce choque des titans entre PJ et RJ , rappelez vous la fin de la saison 2 quand PJ attaché sur une chaise voit RJ . Quelle grande scéne , quel un grand moment . Dans l'épisode 8 saison 6 , Nous découvrons l'identité de Red John . Il manque quel que chose dans la mise en scéne . Ok RJ est un humain comme un autre et pourquoi pas , le shériff est RJ. Ce qui me trouble c'est la mise ne scéne . Bruno Heller joue avec le public et nous nous sentirons tous manipulé à la fin , je l'espére dumoins 

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The Mentalist Season 6 episode 11 Ending Fan Fic:

After the Blake Association was uncover and destroyed by joined forces of PD, CBI, FBI, Homeland action skips another 2 years ahead.

We're seeing Jane and Lisbon living happy ever after on some beach in California. They have pretty little son named Matthew.
Patrick works as therapist. After harsh 8 hours of work he comes back home, going upstairs and his eyes see a white piece of paper sticked on his door with a red writing on it.

"Dear Patrick, after 4 years of break I've gathered few ideas of my whole new killing style. Whatcha think? - Roy"

Janes enters the room and his eyes are full of tears.

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