Who is Red John?

Theories of jjj (1)

I think majority of us are focused on the disappointing episode of Red John and not realizing why Heller decided to write it that way. 

I believe the reason as to why Heller wrote/directed this episode was due to an internal problem in the production/management. 

1) This show is his gem!

2) He always took it to the next level when he wrote episodes for the series.

3) Considered to be the most anticipated episode, watched by millions, and has a large fanbase. 

So why would he a) leak the episode b) barely make an attempt to remove the leaked footage c) produce such poor quality of an episode d) doesn't even bother giving a proper explanation?

The way the episode was directed seemed as a mock; like it was meant to mock someone. We, the viewers, instantly thought it was a fake cause of how ridiculous it was.

But I believe the real reason behind it is that Heller was trying to prove a point, more precisely to management members or production crew. 

There could have been an internal problem, and Heller took it personal, and as revenge produced such low quality of an episode. Just to prove or further anger the person/s that started it.

Of course the whole fanbase will turn against him, and viewers rate will go downhill; there is a risk that the continued episodes might not be to that level/standered and CBS could just end the series.

If it did turn out that it was an internal problem, Heller shouldn't have taken it out on the most anticipated episode that millions were waiting years for. 

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