Who is Red John?

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i re watched season 2 episode 8 (his right red hand)
the man poisoned Rebcca was wearing blue t shirt the same man arrived in  earlier in limousine and motorbike and minelli met him ( i couldnt see his face clearly )
also minelli was looking at picture (looks like kirkland ) and has somthing to tell lisbon but he didnt
if anyone know who is this or what is this about plz tell

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What if He IS Mar was written by RJ (not renfrew)?
And what if IS is really the number 15?

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"We really like your new boyfriend, T.  He seems like a great guy. Don't mess this one up."

"Cool it you knuckleheads.  We've been through some shit.  He's been my partner for about a decade, after all.  Did I not mention that? Eh, it's all in the past.  Sometimes I forgot myself.  Have I told you that he has killed on multiple occasions.  But it's fine - he only did it to get back at the guy that murdered his wife and child."

"Whoa...that's pretty heavy.  Well, you look happy."

"Thanks.  I feel so relaxed in my hometown that I wore a spaghetti strap dress from circa-1995 just to prove how casual I feel.  Because, everyone knows that the midwest reeks of the mid-90's and aqua velva.  That's how we roll in the heartland."

"It's not that.  You just seem different.  Like how you didn't even get mad at Jane for not telling you about my loan shark issues."

"Yeah.  Being treated like an adult - especially as it pertains to my job - used to be really important to me.  But since we've gotten together, I've really let my guard down.  I'm showing him and everyone how much the love of a good man can tame an strong, independent, albeit messy woman.  Now I love how he just wants to protect me."
"It means a lot to us that you were able to make it. We should hang out more often."

"We totally should.  And look - I know you don't take what I do seriously because I'm your big sister and this is a well-trodden trope and all, but the next time you are in trouble with the law - call your FBI agent sister.  I'd hate to have to rely a absurdly contrived plot device to see you guys."  

End scene.

"What ever happened to that 

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Well, I think we got a preview last night of things to come -- Jibson returned home to Cali, and Jane picked up an adorable baby [hint, hint]

Here's how it will go:  
1) Jane will push to leave the FBI
2) Lisbon will tell Jane that being a cop is all she knows
3) something will happen to change Lisbon's mind -- like someone gets hurt, someone from CA needs her or she finds out she's pregnant
4) Jane and Lisbon open a pet shop, selling birds in Sacramento

5) BUT...not before they defeat another hillbilly mastermind in the final episode -- [who has a name of biblical proportions]

Maybe Jibson will buy a house on the same block that Grigsby lives on?  Aw...

Seems pretty clear.

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  Guys, let me start this gently... I know most of you are feeling let down, or tricked by Bruno Heller and his screenwriters, but let me share my theory, or at least what I think the show has been trying to build up right from the start. Red John is and always will be a mask, no matter of the man behind that mask. Red John doesn't die with McAllister! RJ is an idea, it's a belief, it's that thing you follow on instinct not on facts. For all we know the sheriff might not even be the person behind that mask, and even if he was, the next one will take his place right away. All those things have been left for the viewers to get, ....to comprehend. And many of you in your hate just missed up on all those little things we got hunched. It is as if everyone expected a superman behind that mask ... an immortal man, not afraid of anything. Well.. here the writers hit the main idea, RJ can be afraid, can be desperate, once his mask is peeled off, once he isn't RJ anymore. This proves my theory in some ways.
  Just think about it, this is all I'm asking. In some ways, this is a brilliant end of the RJ saga, an open end which just makes you think, which has been the whole idea of the show.
  Just a mask...

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If any of you haven't listened to the Serial podcast yet, stop what you are doing...and go listen. Or maybe don't because it will consume you.

I have been reading the Fantomas books (thank you Quithat - whom I sure no longer comes here) and it made me think of an alternate and far better explanation of "He is Mar...". 

"He is many" - not that Red John is many different people (a la BA) but, rather, Red John (one person) has many personas.  "McAllister" is simply a persona.  Think of it this way....McAllister isn't Red John.  Red John created the persona of McAllister in order to hide in plain site.  
Still hoping that McA isn't Red John at all but the above rationale sits better with me than bringing the BA into things.  

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After I saw this guy from 7x05 i thought "He looks kinda like Haffner". Then it was said his name is Raymond. I lol'd.
Just a thought :) Too bad we won't see Haffner in this show anymore.

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