Who is Red John?

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Explain me the fuckin pigeon!! What the hell!!! Did PJ use an alive pigeon from his jacket to distract "RJ" ???? Is this really happened? Or is just my imagination? Pigeon inside the jacket? PJ hypnotize the pigeon? !!!! Wtf PJ IS GOD!!! :|
Could be all the last 2 episode a dream PJ is doing after the bomb hits him? Maybe he is in coma at hospital....

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How did Red John know about Patrick's "happy memory"-the girl from the carnival.

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Maybe I'm just being hopeful that the RJ ending was another fluke, but I just can't seem to get over it...

With it only being halfway through the season, and so many questions left unanswered, I just hope that somehow, Red John is still alive, and will be discovered in the last episode of this season...

Things that I hated:

-Too many questions not answered (He is Mar, Christina Frye, how he got the list, how he got so many people to follow him,
         why Lorelie thinks he is exactly like Patrick???) and the list goes on...

-Patrick just looked stupid...After 5 seasons of The Mentalist, we have been accustom to Patrick solving crimes with his unmatched wit, and clever tricks.  Finding Red John, however, was nothing more than everybody else dying or being shot in the stomach, leaving only one person left...
I really didn't care who was going to be chosen as Red John.  The ONLY thing that I wanted was for Patrick to come out looking like a complete GENIUS, and having some elaborate plan to catch Red John...I was so disappointed.

-I really thought GVP was working for Red John...

-Shutting down the entire CBI??? 

-Getting Patrick back to work with the FBI...I thought it was kind of dumb how easily he was lured back to work in law enforcement (and again, he looked dumb with that contract that isn't worth anything)...I thought that maybe he would be lured back by another serial killer or something cool, but nope, just random...

-Why does Jane so easily fall for other women, but not Lisbon??  What's up with that!!?????????


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JUST A REMINDER to those who put down and name call others here for believing that RJ could still be alive -- 

This WEBSITE is called:  WHO IS RED JOHN?

SO, it TURNS OUT, those posting conjecture, even still, about "WHO" Red John might be -- are in the right place!  

AND, if you just KNOW RJ is dead and gone [so much so that you are willing to insult others for it] -- then why are you still here on a website called WHO IS RED JOHN?  It's kind of like being a vegetarian and hanging out at a butcher shop -- you're not going to enjoy yourself much!  So, have a moment of self awareness and realize that you are in the WRONG PLACE and that you are taking out your frustration out on people who still enjoy the possibility of...yes, you guessed it:  questioning "WHO IS RED JOHN?"

Hey -- you could always start your own website called "MCALLISTER WAS RED JOHN"  or "PATRICK'S NEW LIFE as an FBI EMPLOYEE" -- and make the lettering in green and blue colors!

Bottom line:  I don't care if I'm right or wrong about who Red John turns out to be, I just want the series to end well -- but AT LEAST I can say that I am in the RIGHT PLACE to wonder about "WHO IS RED JOHN?" 


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Do you want to see PJ's list on napkin.

  Green for thanks, red for meeh.

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RED JOHN THOUGHT PATRICK NEEDED A VACATION -- because the obsessive pursuit of RJ was controlling Jane's life and Jane was starting to lose his touch

So, RJ used McAllister as a pawn       and in the process Red John killed several birds with one stone:

1) he cracked open Tyger Tyger, which clearly he wanted either gone or thought gone
2) he gave PJ some peace and emotional satisfaction in thinking he'd killed RJ; and
3) Red John is thought gone by the world, giving RJ a break, too [The GREATEST TRICK the devil ever pulled was making the world think he didn't exist]

I BELIEVE TYGER TYGER might be gone; but RED JOHN still LIVES


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RJ is bored without PJ and he sent FBI to take him back to game.

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