Who is Red John?

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This new IT Dude will encode Bertram file.

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What McAllister said -- "You got it wrong.  I'm not Red John" -- was true.

Red John hypnotized and used McAllister

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I'm just done re-watching the Season 2 finale on DVD. My plan was to watch all the episodes leading to the long awaited conclusion.

Well, the disapointment was great after the seemingly uninspirational reveal by BH, but someone I WANT TO BELIEVE that there will be more, that there could be more to come.

The theories on this page all have more to it than the show delivered in S6E08 - and I read and enjoy your theories alot. Thank you very much!

Now - if you're as unsatisfied as I am: keep believing in BH genius and hope despite all other statements of cast and crew that there will be an epic conclusion to season 6. Including all the answers we dream about.

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It's not a theory i just
wanted to share some stuff i noticed in the last episode Green Thumb.

There are a couple of very
weird things slipped into that episode.

The location of
Schneidermans flat is said to be 2781 Riverside Road New York. From
that place it seems reasonable to see the Geroge washington bridge.

The view from window of
the living room reflects that. On the rooftop however when Jane and
Defiance do their ritual we get to see the brooklyn bridge that looks
simular but is loacted somewhere else. It can't be seen from where
they are. It is shown like bad green screen footage the kind you
would expect from a 70's movie.

When Fisher and Abbot
return to find the scene whe get a view of a water tower. It has the
blue logo of Meruelo Maddux Properties Inc on it. They are a bancrupt
real estate firm with properties only in LA. After the bancrupcy MMPI
turned into EVOQ Properties which has a green logo.

I also wanted to point out
that there was an exceptional amount of identity innuendo:

The psychic from cuba, the
left vs the right fingers, Coyote and the Roadrunner as a cartoon and
criminals, Schneiderman as the victim, killer and victim again.

There is also a very nice
dialogue between PJ and Defiance (what a name):

“Defiance: But none of
that explains who took Abel from the building.

PJ: No, it doesn't,
because I don't think Abel ever left the building. If my suspicion is
correct, he is still here, and he is still very much alive. One of us
needs to stay here with Defiance.”

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A bond of unity is present here, a unity which born through resention of Bruno Heller and episode 8. It's nice to see fans united, but it would only be bettered if it were a happy unity instead of an angry one. I come bearing a possible explanation for episode 8.

Episode 8 is a dream. No one runs a marathon at that speed with a bullet inside them, let alone that old Sherriff McAllister. The bigger mystery is whose dream is it?

Criteria: What was strange in the episode?

- Cho, Rigsby and Van Pelt are all wrong in their personalities, so this person obviously doesn't know the CBI team
- Agent Abbott is exactly like Agent Abbot so this person knows agent Abbot. They could be in the FBI.
- little girl listening to music closes door on McAllister. Who is this little girl?
- older girl listening to music runs past Jane and McAllister near a school bus. No comment.
- this person has a very detailed knowledge of the way that Red John seemingly died. If they're in the FBI as deduced earlier, they've read a case file recently.
- Jane speaks Spanish in the episode. Is this person expecting Jane to be fluent in Spanish or something?

The only person I can think of that comes close to fitting any of this is Kim Fischer who mentions dream worlds on the episode "My Blue Heaven."

Kim Fischer could have dreamed this dream on her flight to Mexico, hence the Spanish and she works for the FBI and she was tasked with bringing Jane back to the US, so she would have read the case file on the events leading to Jane fleeing the country. There's something strange about her...

It seems an eternity ago that Jane went into his house with an elaborate plan. It seems like it worked. He killed Red John. The other part of the plan was making it look like Jane was clueless, and that McAllister was Red John. This plan also worked. Everybody, including FBI, thinks McAllister was Red John. That leaves us, the audience, 2 years ahead, having not seen the real Red John ending. In time, I expect circumstances to force Jane to explain what really happened. And we'll be in for one hell of a Red john episode.

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I have a theory about two different red johns based of character traits.

1. The masculine red john . This rj seems to use power and connections to get things done . This would be the BA Macalister version.
His actions are fueled by anger. This red john most likely raped lorelies sister as well as others . The sex slave red john. The sexual deviant red john. Bases his or her actions from ego and pure anger.

2 The feminine side to rj. The female tiger chasing the deer . The sips tea and reads blake red john .
This character seems to be fueled by not anger but principle. Also, this rj was never a rapist that we know of . Usually bounds the victim by the wrist and slits their throats. Bases his or her actions based of principle and has a sort of moral code with the killings .

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I've noticed some similarity between Bertram's code and Blissymbolics (kind of shorthand writing). Here is a google image search result : https://encrypted.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=blissymbolics&tbs=imgo:1
Not "working on" it, was just curious ;)

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