Who is Red John?

Theories of Killuminati (2)

I think the fact that the show hasnt spoke about red john, hasnt answered any of the clues , and are purposively not mentioning anything pertaining to red john and are so secretive about it PROVES that they are saving it all for the end . If they were trully done with red john we would hear jane and lisbon speaking about it but they dont .
Rigsby and van pelt need to be written off the show in a way thats not pertaining to their child, or new job. It has to be something else right ? Possibly a showdown with patrick but i see lisbon taking the shot this time .
We are in for probrally the greatest ending to a show ever .
Yes the mentalist is new and moving on BUT they still have to get rid of rigsby and van pelt somehow and they will eventually talk about the usb, red john, and the BA SO BE PATIENT .
Keep the faith and get ready.

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I have a theory about two different red johns based of character traits.

1. The masculine red john . This rj seems to use power and connections to get things done . This would be the BA Macalister version.
His actions are fueled by anger. This red john most likely raped lorelies sister as well as others . The sex slave red john. The sexual deviant red john. Bases his or her actions from ego and pure anger.

2 The feminine side to rj. The female tiger chasing the deer . The sips tea and reads blake red john .
This character seems to be fueled by not anger but principle. Also, this rj was never a rapist that we know of . Usually bounds the victim by the wrist and slits their throats. Bases his or her actions based of principle and has a sort of moral code with the killings .

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