Who is Red John?

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So folks, we have piled dirt on Heller so much and not that he does not deserve it in some measure. But we forget why we love the show or loved it in the first place RJ or no RJ..OK RJ was a great line of action but even apart from that Heller took painstaking efforts I guess in portraying his characters specially the weekly murderer..he sort of poured in his life experience into formulating those characters and showing why they did what they did in very subtle ways..so that thing remains with the show even with the pathetic RJ reveal..just thought of sharing..

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Re-watching the lame plane scene.  How did we miss this?  Actually, how did Stoopkid miss this?  I rather wish I did. 


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As the 7th season opens we are once again blessed with the final scene of Patrick Jane bending in for his 'romantic' kiss with Teresa Lisbon.  As the camera pans away from the couple left gazing into each others eyes we see the silhouette of a tall man and a shorter woman watching them from behind the two-way mirror.  A heavy sigh is let out by the tall-ish man while the woman clears her throat in an aborted attempt to hide her embarrassment.  "What the hell was that supposed to be?" says the man.  "I think he's trying to tell her he loves her." the woman replies as she studies the couple with a skeptics eye.  "How long have they known each other?" he asks.  "Something like 10 years.  There has got to be a reasonable explanation WHY these two can't seem to pull off a great romance.  They're young, good looking.  He has great hair."  The man now leans in for a closer look.  "Why can't you believe it's something beyond their control?"  "Because it's not!" she shouts.  "Scientific studies show that the human brain is capable of creating all kinds of scenarios to establish a long-lasting and memorable event.  This... this...this is just....pathetic."  "Maybe they just need better writers." the lanky man says as he stares at he back of her now seen flaxen red hair that is catching glints of the dull single bulb in the room.  "Maybe?... maybe we can help."  "Fine, but if that guy tries to pull any magic tricks on me, I'm shooting him."  The red haired woman rolls her eyes and walks to the door.  "At least there won't be any conspiracies to deal with." he says as he places his hand on the small of her back.  "That's true."  she replies as she opens the door to the hallway.  They both stop suddenly.  Both the man and the woman lift their heads into the air and sniff.  With a look of fear and concern the woman quietly pleads "Please tell me that's not what I think it is."  "Cigarette smoke.  Oh God,  We are going to piss off a LOT of people!"


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So Strawberries and Cream part 1 was on TNT last night.  I hadn't realized it at the time but in hindsight it is very clear that either LaRoche or CBI Karl gave the bomber/gas station attendant keys to free himself from the cuffs when he was put into the cop car....most likely LaRoche from the looks of it.  His escape attempt then allowed LaRoche to kill him with impunity.  

Why does this matter?  It ties into the theory that the Ardilles/LaRoche murders were about tying up BA loose ends rather than some Hiabach revenge plot. 

Also, if I'm being cynical - and why not? - the episode includes another instance of Jane using a supposed profession of love to Lisbon to misdirect a bad guy.  (As he would later do when he fake kills her at the end of season 4.)  If history is repeating himself, perhaps the plane scene isn't as lame as it seems. 

My optimism knows no bounds...

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I've been trying to make sense of everything that's happened thus far.

It seems when the show just started, Bruno Hellar was very into mentalism and was attempting to weave a super comoplicated, but clever story.  At the end of the Red John storyline, it seems like he got tired of the story and just took a shortcut to get to the finish line.

I never got into the "multiple Red John" theories because I thought they were just too fantastic.  However, the more thought that goes into it, the more sense it makes.

So, how about this?

There has only been one Red John.  He died at Patricks hands just like Episode 6-8 shows.  However, there is a very intelligent (but terribly sick) person who has been playing Red John and Patrick against each other.  Neither Red John or Patrick knew he/she exists.  Patrick discovers this at the begiining of Season 7 and spends the rest of the season tracking him down and in the process explains all of the loose ends.  Thus, Bruno Hellar's reputaion as a brillant story teller.is redeemed.

Perhaps this is lame, but do any of you have any better ideas?

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BLUE BIRD a.k.a the dove that carries a dynamite stick in it's beak.

Red John is dead... Long Live the Blue Bird.
Why do we need a serial killer when we have the one thing that made him wet his pants?
Enter... Blue "pigeon" Bird.
That's right. The very thing that scared the sh*t out of the "officer of the law" will be back, to terrorize the FBI just because it can. Perhaps it would send the whole park of it's buddies to crash into the headquarters windows and paint the whole town in BLUE. 


Will the "mother of all scares" be released at the altar for a "cute" effect? 
To find out the answers to all of the above questions tune into Season 7. Coming soon...

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What it all comes down to is if red john really isn't Mcallister. That's the big question. As of 6x8 I probably have to admit that it was true. As pathetic of an ending as it was, that was it. The writers saw the end coming. They decided to without thinking, draw a random name from a hat and pick that guy as RJ. They f'd it up. Totally fubar. So they rushed the ending of a great story while neglecting all things rational. Why'd they rush you ask? They rushed so they'd still have 1/2 a season to do two things....satisfy the jisbon cronies, and maybe with the slightest bit of lick, extend the series one more time with a revamp and change of scenery.

But now what? They got the extension, and can do with it whatever they want. Option 1, 13 episodes of the Walton's incest style. Option 2, BA/Visualize angle to provide a little sense of closure after the RJ fail. Option 3,they decide RJ shouldn't be Mcallister, instead Mcallister was just BA, and was there to deliver a message to Patrick. What message you ask? " the game is over and I won". To my recollection, mcasshole never said the words "I am red john". Instead he was there to give Patrick the message that red john had won. How did he win? He won by convincing Patrick and everyone else that he was Mcallister. Now all he has left to do is wait. Wait for PJ and Lisbon to get together now that their defenses are down. What for them to have a baby. And just as season seven begins, wait for Patrick to leave them home alone.......then season seven starts with another note on the outside of a bedroom in Patricks house.

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