Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance
The five steps of watching 6x08

I think we are on bargaining... 

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Thomas Mcallister... hahaha... I think he is not dead yet.

The next episode will show Jane and Mcallister together in a South American bar dancing on poles with G-strings on. 
They plan on opening a mega food chain business "Mcshithole" burgers (the patty is made of Red John Shit)

So are you gonna have a Big Mac now?

I bet you will... if you keep watching this series!!

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Why is there no mention of the leaked episode anywhere other than on this site and one other forum? Weird!! I would think it would be a bigger deal..

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To really appreciate the absurdity and irony of the fake episode, you really need to watch it about 4 times. On each viewing, you will find more and more nonsensical stuff to laugh at and you will appreciate what they are doing here. I bet the actors had a great time making this thing. There are several times in the fake where you can tell they are trying not to laugh out loud. 

There are a million reasons why this thing is fake and many of them have been mentioned, but go watch from the 32 minute mark on. Pure comedy gold. The facial expressions, the sound, lack of plot, terrible camera angles. Classic!!!

Kudos to The Mentalist for doing this. They duped a lot of people. If you don't realize that the episode AND the promos were a fake, you are kidding yourself. The only question I have is if the media is in on the gag as well or if the Mentalist fed them the fakes to look at as well? I am guessing the media is in on this gag since it should be a little bit bigger story and I literally haven't seen one story about it anywhere. 

So i'm excited for the super secretive episode that is going to be awesome tomorrow night. Seriously though, if you sit back and examine the evidence, it won't take you long to realize that nothing about this "leak" was real. Nothing!

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GREEN= McAllister is 100% Red John
RED= Another suspect will be revealed on Sunday 

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Sunday night, The Mentalist revealed the identity of serial killer Red John.Yeah, and it’s going to snow monkeys next Tuesday.Seriously, CBI director Gale Bertram is the guy who killed the wife and daughter of title character Patrick Jane?Bertram, a bald, aging petty bureaucrat, who seems more interested in image than criminal behavior, is supposed to be a brilliant sadistic psycho capable of mesmerizing beautiful women?Assuming you never know who's really dead on TV, who do you think is Red John?* indicates suspect is thought to be deadCBI director Dale BertramInvestigator Ray Haffner*Homeland Security agent Robert Kirkland*Sheriff Thomas McAllister*Forensics analyst Brett Partridge*FBI agent Reede SmithCult leader Bret Stiles*OtherView ResultsThe show, all about Jane outsmarting everybody but Red John, will wind up as your basic manhunt, with a three-dot shoulder tattoo the whoop-de-doo big clue?Not buying it. TV doesn’t work that way. The Mentalist hasn’t worked that way.Supposedly, the final answer will be given Sunday night on CBS in "Red John: The Final Chapter" (if late afternoon NFL football doesn’t delay the whole lineup too much)."Red John doesn't make mistakes,” Jane said early in season two. “He doesn't leave clues. If you have new evidence, it's because he wants you to have it. The question isn't what does it mean? It's why did he give it to you?”Again and again, Red John fooled his pursuers. He tricked Jane into killing an impersonator in a mall. Red John let the FBI believe he was escaping in a limo, and a previous CBI director wound up dead, with Red John on the other end of a cellphone duct-taped to the body.Red John even pulled a baffling trick in which a recording suggests he knew Jane’s list of seven suspects before Jane did. After, Lorelai Martins was his mouthpiece and she was dead!True, the math suggests Bertram’s the only suspect left, with FBI agent Reede Smith appearing to be a flunky and a target, and the five other suspects in the grave.Mentalist creator Bruno Heller has assured us that Red John is one of seven men: Bertram, Smith, forensics expert Brett Partridge, cult leader Bret Stiles, freelance investigator Ray Haffner, Homeland Security agent Robert Kirkland, and Sheriff Thomas McAllister.“Yes, we can trust that list,” Heller told Entertainment Weekly, adding, “... I would say that definitively: Jane is not Red John.”The suspicion here is that Red John is once again trying to dupe law enforcement into killing the wrong man.And Patrick Jane knows this.Maybe that’s why Jane says he’s “letting go” at the end of the latest episode,“The Great Red Dragon.” (The title, by the way, is a reference to a series of paintings by poet William Blake of a seven-headed beast mentioned in the book of Revelations.)Maybe that’s why he tells gal-pal agent Teresa Lisbon that it’s “a waste of time” to worry about a coded list found in Bertram’s possession.Yes, Bertram’s a bad boy, perhaps even the head of the Blake Association, a ring of corrupt law-enforcement agents. That role alone is enough to explain his having a secret room full of weapons and documents, including fake passports. But where’s the brilliance? Or the deeply twisted soul?We’ve seen Jane play possum before, feigning being down and out in Vegas until Martins showed. Soon she was telling Jane how much he and Red John should have been friends, how they still could be  – if Jane would just bring him Lisbon’s head.Lurking in the shadows, the cat enjoys seeing the mouse do some killing.(Jane showed carting a box containing a melon with a wig.)An evil genius doesn’t explode a bomb in a room while he’s in it, risking being killed by flying debris or subsequent fire. That casts doubt on all five suspects who were in that room on Jane’s property during the explosion.So who could have been lurking, watching from a safe distance, if Heller's list is honest?Either of the first two dead suspects.Yes, we saw Robert Kirkland shot several times in the back, but remember how he said he had a twin?  Michael Kirkland supposedly worked with Red John and then was killed by him. But consider the old twin switcheroo, with the dead dude actually being Michael, who used his brother’s identity and cleaner record to land a career in law enforcement? That leaves Robert still alive and capable of being Red John.One flaw: Kirkland asked if he looked familiar, talking with a Red John associate, who said no. Maybe plastic surgery fixed that?That leaves Bret Partridge.Funny how we never actually saw him die. He acted and looked mortally wounded early this season when he was discovered by agent Lisbon, who turned away, then got snatched from behind.Funny how pigeons are seen in that house, and pigeon and partridge are synonyms.Funny how Partridge sounded the most like Red John.Funny how Partridge was introduced as a marginal character in the very first episode.Funny how agent Kimball Cho, on the last show, seeks out Partridge’s body and checks for a shoulder tattoo but never peeks at Partridge’s face.How could Patridge still be alive, while Lisbon and her colleagues clearly believe he’s dead?Uh, how about because, as we know, there’s a vast conspiracy adept at lying and faking evidence? How about because Partridge, as a forensic scientist, would know a thing or three about faux cadavers?The not-dead-yet scenario is also the way to explain the recording of Lorelai Martin naming the suspects. She simply made the recording after Jane made his list because she's still alive.Misdirection, made to look like magic.Makes sense for Red John to use such a ruse – and later set off a fuse to create a no-lose situation. If Jane dies, Red John wins. If everybody dies, Red John must be dead (but isn’t). If a suspect survives, he’ll wind up dead in a manhunt. Regardless, he’s alive.One big problem: Something Heller said before the season.“I can tell you it won’t be a sort of Ten Little Indians type of setup,” he told Entertainment Weekly.That Agatha Christie story, turned into a movie, has everybody on an island killed off one by one, with the killer turning out to be a supposed victim.Darn, I wish show’s producers and writers would refrain from spoiling some of the fun this way.It would fun to still be conjecturing about Red John being Grace Van Pelt.So if it’s not Bertram, isn’t Agatha Christie-like, and the Kirkland theory is too wacky (as are clones and zombies), then who? Another kind of identity fakeout? Some other so-and-so was really someone else? The Ray Haffner we knew was a Red John plant, while the real (and real twisted) Ray Haffner did the devilish deeds?Reede Smith had himself shot at to cover his tracks?Or “Red John” isn’t one person. It’s some kind of collective term. They all done it, like a seven-headed dragon? Maybe Martins and others who thought of Red John as just one man, because they’d met only one of the men.Whatever the outcome, after Sunday’s show, it will be time to move on.Supposedly the series will skip a couple of years, and pick u
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/CBSs_The_Mentalist_has_NOT_revealed_Red_John_.html#5LlIwZ4odTWf1EB...

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Hang on Did Jimmy Gadd actually apologize for fans spoiling the episode for other people lmao. That crock of crap? That's called deflection. WE should get an apology from Heller telling us that he sorry for that dull, unimaginative and half arsed episode. He should be damn sorry for his laziness. He should be sorry that his episode is so bad that people actually believe that it's a comedy, that it couldn't possibly be the real one. He should apologize for lying in interviews, for saying he had a plan when he didn't. 

If he doesn't apologize then I will. I'm sorry fans of the mentalist that your loyalty was not rewarded. That we didn't get the quality that we deserved. That Heller's profile of Red John wasn't near as imaginative or developed or as intelligent as ours were. I'm sorry for the actors, it was the material they had to work with. Berkeley thinks he will go down in history as a super villain but it's been tarnished by the joke that Heller revealed as Red John.

Mostly I'm really sorry that I can't buy the boxsets and sieve through the clues and say " Ah that is why that happened, that explains that" or I can't say " wow that was genius". 
Before this I thought this as one of the best shows that I had ever seen. I mean the clues were so carefully thought out placed ( or so I thought). If you googles something anything it would lead you to the word red or something similar. Wow I thought. But now I know that that was all in our heads.It that was just coincidence, it wasn't planned, it wasn't carefully thought out, it wasn't a  masterpiece. It was a crock of shit. There was no plan. There was no twists no turns no master profile of red john. Anybody could throw in a few red herring to confuse people without anything behind them or them leading to anything. It was all in our heads. It was us that were the geniuses making out Heller was a genius but when the time came to prove he was....lol...he fell flat.

I'm sorry it was such a disappointment.
The super villain that was Red John was just shat on by a pigeon.

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