Who is Red John?

Theories of GullibleFans (3)

Interesting side note to that abortion of an episode last night. It turns out PJ actually is Red John after all :) 

TV Guide Magazine: Any chance of a Jane-Lisbon romance? A lot of fans are dying to see that happen!
Baker: You will see that he really misses Lisbon and is a sad, floundering shadow of a man. He's afraid and just going around and around in circles. He's completely lost his mojo and he's asking himself, "Is this what you want to be? Is this the way you see the rest of your life?" He's offered a chance to go back to work for the F.B.I. and declines because he's trying to move on from that life. The episode has an interesting kind of noir-ish feel to it. Jane had been filled with this deep desire for revenge, which is generated out of self-loathing, right? Take that revenge out of the equation and he's just this guy who is empty. But the episode is also really romantic in a way, because you see how much Jane longs for companionship. You want to know something I've never talked about?
TV Guide Magazine: Hell, yeah!
Baker: All those times we heard the voice of Red John? That was me.
TV Guide Magazine: Seriously?
Baker: Yes! In the Season 2 finale, when Jane was captured and Red John did that "Tyger, Tyger" thing with the mask on? That was me. I played both characters in that scene.
TV Guide Magazine: Wow. That's especially trippy considering there was a major theory going around that Jane was Red John. So in a way that turned out to be true!
Baker: That was the reason I did that. There was a point where Bruno was saying, "We don't know who we're going to cast to play [the masked Red John]." I said, "Don't cast anyone! I'll do it." Bruno was, like, "I love it! I love it!" So I put on a mask and did that funny, wispy little voice. And for seasons after, whenever Red John spoke, I had to go record the voice.


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To really appreciate the absurdity and irony of the fake episode, you really need to watch it about 4 times. On each viewing, you will find more and more nonsensical stuff to laugh at and you will appreciate what they are doing here. I bet the actors had a great time making this thing. There are several times in the fake where you can tell they are trying not to laugh out loud. 

There are a million reasons why this thing is fake and many of them have been mentioned, but go watch from the 32 minute mark on. Pure comedy gold. The facial expressions, the sound, lack of plot, terrible camera angles. Classic!!!

Kudos to The Mentalist for doing this. They duped a lot of people. If you don't realize that the episode AND the promos were a fake, you are kidding yourself. The only question I have is if the media is in on the gag as well or if the Mentalist fed them the fakes to look at as well? I am guessing the media is in on this gag since it should be a little bit bigger story and I literally haven't seen one story about it anywhere. 

So i'm excited for the super secretive episode that is going to be awesome tomorrow night. Seriously though, if you sit back and examine the evidence, it won't take you long to realize that nothing about this "leak" was real. Nothing!

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Seriously you guys???? There is a 0% chance that this "leaked" version is what we will see on Sunday. I have watched it several times and it is so purposely awful that I have no doubt it is a fake. If you don't believe me, just go watch it a couple of times and pay attention to it. The characters are so shallow and goofy and there are terrible one liners thrown in throughout the entire thing. It literally is on par with "Threat Level Midnight" from The Office...that's how bad it is. Nothing about the look or feel of it resembles anything we've ever seen in 5 1/2 years. The plot holes are gaping and the acting is sketch comedyesque. Just watch the death scenes and watch how cartoonish and stupid they are. 

I have no doubt in my mind that this is a clever ruse by Heller. CBS and Heller would NEVER let the actual episode to be linked anywhere on the internet...even if it was password protected. Haven't you wondered why the "bug" hasn't been fixed yet??? No episode of this magnitude has EVER been leaked and this is not the first I promise you. I actually have the "leaked" episode going on right now in the background and I am laughing out loud at the dialogue. 

How far does the ruse go is the question? Is the press in on it or did Heller actually send them a fake for review? Also, I believe the promos are fake as well...either that, or there are a few scenes in the real episode that resemble the "leaked" episode. 

Either way, you all got fleeced and are in for a pleasant surprise on Sunday night!

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