Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So McAllister has been revealed, and there were some odd things about the episode. I'm okay with McAllister wigging out about the pigeon; if we accepted the fact that he was a deviant sociopath who like to brutally murder people (usually women), I can go with the weirded out by the bird. How PJ kept the bird quiet I am interested in....

I can also accept RJ begging at the end. RJ though he had it all, and in the span of a few minutes, his backups were neutralized, he was shot and running out of strength, could not call for help, and did not have the upper hand, something he probably had not experienced in quite a while. I see his begging as one final attempt to manipulate PJ. RJ was using all he had left; playing on PJs emotions.

RJ made mistakes, as Bosco said he would quite a while back. Two of them were the bomb and he let PJ play the game too long; RJ's arrogance did him in. End of the saga.

The next to last episode did have my favorite quote in quite a while:

Stiles to Van Pelt: "You didn't marry that genial oaf.....Oh! Congratulations then." 

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Okay, after the big disappointment .. here are some thoughts. But I don't know.. ever since we watched the Mentalist the one thing we learned is: never ever trust the obvious..

Does Bruno Heller really wanna tell us that PJ never knew who RJ was before he revealed himself? If so, in my opinion PJ lost to RJ. The whole series was like a chess game. Both of them made some moves to confuse the other one or take some pawn in game out of the way. And in the end PJ still didn't know who RJ was. He just hunted down all the 3 suspects that were left. WOW.. that's very Mentalist-like... all the cases alongside the RJ-storyline were solved with brilliance and true 'mentalism' ... and now he's meeting with some guy who he thinks he might be RJ (and besides tells the whole world about it) just to notice 'oh dude look.. there's some other guy walking up the hallway' .. 'trololol here i am patrick.' ... screw that!!! And here comes my question. Why did PJ look down the hallway at ~24min (before RJ appeared)? Was he just acting with coution or did he wait for the 'true RJ' to show up because he knew neither Smith nor Bertram are RJ? Was he sure that the man with a tattoo who supposedly died HAS to be RJ?

But one thing is sure.. If Bruno Heller doesn't give us a shit load of RJ vs PJ flashbacks this whole series is fucked up. There were and still are so many plot holes, so many clues that don't fit and so many scenes that need to be answered.

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"If you don't get horny Watching The Mentalist, than  I'm PIGEON!"

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The mentalist plot: 
A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who killed his wife and daughter.

TL;DR - waste of time.

 thanks bruno

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i just read the interview of Heller and baker about Red John episode.
Really you can go fuck your self Bruno Heller, PSYCHIC ?? seriously??

Q- How Bret Stiles knew where to find krystina??
Heller: he is a psychic.

Q- How the private investigator know about the three dots?
Heller: she is psychic too.

Q- How krystina become a zombie??
Heller. mmm...i think because she is psychic and she slept with Sheriff mcallister who is PSYCHIC too...and that's it.

Q-Why RJ kills Partridge??
Heller: because he knows too much about PSYCHIC'S stuff...

Q-What means "He is Mar", and how can somebody dying write in CAPS??
Heller: You know i can´t tell you much about this, you asking the sames questions that partridge have been asking me in 6x01, but it's PSYCHIC stuff

Q-Since when playing "rock paper scissors" a form of handshake?
Heller. it's the official handshake between psychic's come on...wanna play??

Heller: if you have more questions you can ask INTERNET.

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And so ends the Red John chapter. I so much wished that the leaked episode was fake. I would so much like to see Simon Baker and Bruno Heller's face now. FACEPALM.

Here is how the Mentalist team made the show.
They finished the Red John chapter in Season 3. But realized that the fans are hungry and its too soon and also didn't know what to do after Red John. So they made a stupid plot that the man killed was someone else and resurrected Red John. What they really needed to make these episodes after that was not a real Red John but the intelligence of Red John and making him one step ahead always. In the end, you could make anybody Red John right?
So they drove the shows for 2 more years and knew that its time so they had to end it up all in a hurry. So they made 7 suspects (some people that we have seen once or twice except Partridge) and then knocked down one by one.

Otherwise, how else would someone like that Sheriff McAllister, who appeared in just ONE episode in 2008 lying somewhere in the Napa county be decided as Red John? They obviously informed Xander Berkley that he will play Red John in 2012. How else would one DUMB police officer incapable of closing cases in 2008 be a super cool observer in 2013?

And how did he say he found out the list of suspects?

McAllister: Coz I am a real Psychic.
Me: Psychic? My ass!

Its like Bruno Heller and team thought - Oh it would be cool to portray that Red John knows the list of suspects! So they did it and now they had to tie it up with an explanation. They couldn't find any! So well.. lets make him a real psychic!!

Overall: Waste of time

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"He thought the sheriff persona was the perfect mislead - for a sociopath to adopt that kind of career just seemed so extra creepy. But, still, why me?"

Xander Berkeley, who plays McAllister and Red John, in an interview made 10 hours ago. 

That's the problem, right there. 

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