Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Even though Red John is dead, his disciples and the Blake Association are still out there. Will we hear from them again?
Heller: I never say never, but I would say I think the audience and the story demands that we step away from that trope for a while. The trouble with these sorts of stories where you're playing tricks on the audience, with who-is-it mysteries, is you can get way too mysterious. There are people who said all the way along that Patrick Jane is Red John. When you've got that kind of elaborate thinking out there, it's dangerous to come back to that story unless you're coming back full force, because then maybe will start thinking, "Oh, maybe Red John's not dead." Red John is dead. 


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I am from thailand so I can't watch the real ep.
I've just watched the leak ep.
Could you please tell me is it the same one by
hit green if it's the same
and hit red if it's not the same.

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"I have a dream! And in that dream Heller will cut the nonsense crap and give us explanations about Red John's past!"

Its a real shame! Ok, McAllister is a good Red John, a sheriff would have the freedom to come and go without anyone asking what he was doing, etc. Xander Berkeley is and amazing actor but the script for "Red John" episode is just lame.

I was madly angry when i read the interview that says Heller only decided who was Red John a couple of years ago. So ALL THOSE YEARS we were chasing NOTHING! There was NO RED JOHN! Not even Heller knew who he was! That's is fuc**!@# ... ¬¬ 

The scene when McAllister says "Its totally fair. The game is over and i won", i kinda raped the REPLAY, i just started to laugh, SIMON BAKER's voice in Xander Berkley, a shit dubbing. It was more than anything funny hahahaha.. 

So.. we know who is Red John, finally, but we also have NO IDEIA of WHO is Red John, if you know that i mean, there was 0 explanations. What about the SHOT on Patrick's house? Was that the concussion bomb? Did i miss anything? .__. 

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The story of Red John is over. Look at the episode titles. Every episode up to this one has a title with something to do with the colour red but now the episodes are titled so that the colour Red is not mentioned. this tells me that the show is moving on from Red John.

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Best/Worst moment ever

"The game is over and I won" 

Hahahahahah what the fuck was that hahaha

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The problem with the Red John episode is fans of the show care about the clues and want answers to certain questions, i.e. He is Mar, what happened to Kristina Frye, Rosalind Harker description of Red John, Sophie Millers description of Red John but Patrick Jane doesn't care, he found Red John and killed him, like he said he was going to do.

So the show couldn't reconcile what the fans wanted and what Jane wanted (or didn't want, for example he doesn't care how Red John knew his list of 7 suspects). 

So the show pulled itself apart in my opinion.

As far as Xander Berkeley, he's a good actor, he would have been a great Red John 10 years ago when he was playing George Mason on 24, Sophie Miller described RJ as middle aged, I think 57 is a bit old, mid 40's would have worked better for me, but here I am speaking as a fan, and Patrick Jane doesn't care how old RJ is.

I did like the way he killed RJ, could have lead to the moment a little better but I'll forgive it that.   

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The last five seasons have shown an empty Jane looking to solve an intense mystery with clever plotlines and clues that left us satisfied; then, in one episode, Heller took our satisfaction and gave it to Jane while leaving us with his former emptiness and unsanswered questions.  Jane was tormented by the unknown, now we are, thanks Bruno!

People are saying that average mentalist viewers are unable to process facts and don't have the attention span to take in background stories. One popular thread even wildly extrapolates that the people dissatisfied with the resolution amount to a few thousand fans. I think the only people who have ever watched the show that were satisfied are probably reliant on the Mentalist for income or related to Bruno Heller in some way.

Really, every non-Red John episode starts with a crime, builds a list of suspects, and eventually Jane figures out the suspect, lays a trap, and explains how he figured out the killer, how he laid the trap, and how the important clues are connected.

The only storyline that abandons the second half of the formula is MOST IMPORTANT STORYLINE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES. It would be like if every episode ended with Jane just bringing together the suspects, pointing, and saying "That one did it," then with no further explanation the credits role.

The major "clues" from past seasons are not wrapped up or addressed in any way to explain the connection to Visualize, "he is mar," what happened to Kristina Frye, how he knew the list, how he developed the loyalty of the non-law enforcement followers who were willing to die for him.

For those that say abandoning those storylines is justified so new viewers can follow along. Why did they include minor, one appearance characters (like McAllister) in the list? If they can handle entire new storylines around obscure characters, they can handle a couple of flashbacks and references that are set up to make sense to them and satisfy more committed viewers.

We've already had one person say he was Red John and not be, how are we supposed to believe McAllister is Red John just because he says he is. Why would Red John finally choose to reveal himself in a place he didn't control and allow Patrick to set him up for what was obviously going to be a trick.

This is the only incomplete storyline and there is nothing to satisfy, even an occasional viewer, that McAllister was cunning, charming, or capable enough to lead both a vast law enforcement conspiracy and a vast network of blindly loyal men and women to do his bidding and even die for him without a second thought.

This could always be dealt with in 1-2 episodes or interleaved through several with flashbacks, references between similar new cases, etc which would leave committed fans satisfied and casual fans not confused.  I wouldn't be so upset with the episode or the wasted time on chases, etc, if Heller hadn't so resolutely stated that he would not be explaining or revisiting any of these compelling issues. 

Is it too much to ask that the biggest mystery of the series be answered and treated like every other mystery solved in a single episode? I say it is not too much to ask.

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