Who is Red John?

Theories of ChestRockwell (4)

The problem with the Red John episode is fans of the show care about the clues and want answers to certain questions, i.e. He is Mar, what happened to Kristina Frye, Rosalind Harker description of Red John, Sophie Millers description of Red John but Patrick Jane doesn't care, he found Red John and killed him, like he said he was going to do.

So the show couldn't reconcile what the fans wanted and what Jane wanted (or didn't want, for example he doesn't care how Red John knew his list of 7 suspects). 

So the show pulled itself apart in my opinion.

As far as Xander Berkeley, he's a good actor, he would have been a great Red John 10 years ago when he was playing George Mason on 24, Sophie Miller described RJ as middle aged, I think 57 is a bit old, mid 40's would have worked better for me, but here I am speaking as a fan, and Patrick Jane doesn't care how old RJ is.

I did like the way he killed RJ, could have lead to the moment a little better but I'll forgive it that.   

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A few thoughts:

I wish Rosalind just described him as bald or balding instead of short straight hair.

We never find out how RJ knew the list of 7 suspects because the writers couldn't figure it out.

Xander Berkley is 57?  Isn't he too old to be some kid at the Red Barn episode?

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Before the season started I thought RJ was Partridge.  First episode when Partridge was killed I just thought he faked it and it was still him.  Now that we've allegedly seen his body I'm probably wrong? But who knows. Who ever it is I think its one of the "dead" suspects, not Bertram or Smith.

In any event whats more unbelievable is how Red John holds down a full time job, is a serial killer, has followers, founded the Blake Association (and make sure it runs the way he wants), and was or is involved with Visualize.  

How does he find the time in the day to do all this and make very few mistakes that would lead to his capture.  That's the real mystery to me :) 

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I think Red John is Brett Partridge for most of the reasons outlined already, i.e. he matches Rosalinds physical description, his voice, he and Patrick don't like each other, remember Lorelei said she was surprised they're not friends.  

I know Bruno Heller said there aren't any twists but I can't help but think Brett Stiles is involved somehow.  Maybe he's Partridges father?  (Both their first names are Brett, no one else on the show has the same name)  Maybe he's controlling him somehow, though a trance maybe, I know it sounds silly but Patrick is always putting people under a trance though.  And remember how Brett Stiles knew where Kristina Frye was, when no one else did.  And someone knew about Patricks childhood memories, in an early Visualize episode when Stiles told Jane where Frye was he made it sound like he knew everything, at least in comparison to Jane and RJ, which he dismissed as nothing compared to him. And she was in a catatonic state, maybe Brett Stiles made her like that?  But Brett Partridge does the killing?  

In any event I hope Brett Partridge is who the writers/produces/creator of the show go with.

Love to hear more input!

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