Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I believed McAllister when he said he wasn't Red John.  I didn't buy his Red John reveal.  Timothy Carter was a more convincing RJ than McAllister.  The show has to convince the audience that the character is RJ and McAllister didn't convince me at all. you can't just have some character appear out of nowhere and just say they are Red John they have to prove it                 I have not heard one person say they were happy or satisfied about the RJ reveal   the show hasn't even done a good job of making a new begining or given us a storyline that replaces the RJ story   If Timothy Carter wasn't RJ and did such a good job of playing RJ than I believe McAllister was doing the same    if Red John could hypnotize Christene Frye into a catatonic state than he could hypnotize Carter and McAllister to believe they are Red John   Jane killed them both caues he believed they were RJ     he believed them because they were hypnotized to believe they were RJ                                                            how does Bertram not know who RJ is but knows about the "silly voice" ?

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If you are still waiting for the show to recover, or for the RJ story to make a comeback, or insisting that the producers are planning a major surprise, please read the following and answer the question to yourself:

You and your significant other are on vacation in Grand Canyon.  You are enjoying the view from the top of the tallest boulder.  Miles and miles of beatutiful scenery all around.  You are making small talk; nothing major but it is enjoyable.

Then, all of a sudden, you push your partner over the cliff.  She is falling and screaming.  It is a long way down and she is wondering why you'd ever do such a dumb thing. 

You, however, have a better plan.  You rush down the mountain on a hidden pathway, and try to get down before your partner falls on the ground.  You will then save her right before she makes touchdown.  Then, she will surely appreciate you that much more and forever be in awe of your intellect, strength, and humor.

Would you do this move or not?

PS.  The analogy is hopefully clear.

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Killing Red John,
without killing Red John.

In order to answer the
question who is Red John the definition of who or what Red John is

Patrick Janes quest has
been one of personal revenge for the murder of his wife and child. To
him Red John is first and foremost the killer of his family.

I believe PJ has succeeded
in his quest by killing Sheriff McAllister.

To the common viewers
definition of Red John is much wider. Red John is the killer of many
people, he has superior intellect and ability to manipulate people
and has been ahead of Patrick for 5 seasons now. There are various
accomplices and clues given to his physical appearance as well as to
his psychology.

Now I don't think a Red
John fitting that description has been found. And maybe he will never
be simply because the concept is flawed by false assumptions.

Many people have argued
that the choice of McAllister was just random and that Heller didn't
have a plan and made everything up as he went along.

I am trying to show
connections that suggest the opposite.

There has been an ongoing
theme of twins throughout the show. Maya the victim of season 1 was a
twin, there were the twin horses Castor's Folly and Pollocks Dream
and many more.

is of Aramaic
origin and literally means twin.

The twin theme has been
reinforced with by the blake poem in S02E23. The poem also introduced
the theme of trinity (Creator, Tyger, Lamb).

McAllister was introduced
in S01E02. In that episode the male murderer was called
Malcolm. The actor playing Bret Stiles is called Malcolm

Bret Stiles was introduced
in S02E20. The victim in
that episode was called Xander
Harrington. The actor playing McAllister
is called Xander Berkeley.

victim was killed by his father
Alex Herrington,
because he thought Xander
had betrayed him. In the end we learn that it was in fact Xanders
brother Ed' or Edward
Harrington who betrayed his father.

was the name of the character McDowell played in Clockwork Orange,
that ultimately made his career. Also if u combine Alex
and Xander you
basically get Alexander.

the actor playing Ray Haffner is commonly referred to as Reed
Diamond, but his full name is Reed Edward

In the beginning of S02E23
Patrick is on a date with
Kristina Freye. Out of the blue she starts channeling the mother of
the waiter. The name of the mother is Janis. Janis
is a variation of the name Jane.

Roll tide
reference is linked to an Uncle Ed' Edward
the brother of the mother, who supposedly played tight end for the
in the 60's.

football stats reveal there is nobody by the name of Edward
that played this position for the Crimson
in that period.

name Edward is used only 3 times over the course of the show:

Edward Harrington

Uncle Edward

Edward Fisher (the drug addict gardener)

an interview Heller referred to the Partridge death scene in
season six. He said there was a cryptic clue inserted that would only
make sense once all was revealed.

I believe this clue is the number 666 as well as the devils pentagram
on the door. I see that clue not pointing at some random satanic cult
but at the beast 666:
Aleister Crowley!

out loud Allister and Aleister sound vitually identical. The Red Barn
is often called Elliston farm because she is supposed
to be located in Elliston, CA. There is no such place. Spoken out
loud Elliston is very close to Allister/Aleister. The Sheriff Bret
Stiles used to cover up the Farragut death: Sheriff Elliot Ellswood.

is a
Crowley gave himself. His birthname was Edward

Crowley! He called himself a black magician. William Blake is one of
the Saints in O.T.O (Ordo
Templi Orientis)
in which Crowley was heavily involved.


use a Lamen that looks like that:


can see the eye as the symbol of visualize, the bird that have been
popping up everywhere lately and the cross that Lisbon is constantly

a short explanation what a lame is:


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To Stoopkid

If Rigsby is RJ please answer the following points.

How can he be RJ, who was hiding in the farm behind the door + running away when Rigsby is in a car with Cho speeding towards the farm to rescue Jane.

How in the season 4 finale did RJ talk to Jane if it was Rigsby ? Rigsby is in handcuffs with the rest of the team being guarded by the FBI. And no the message was not recorded as RJ responded to what Jane said.

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Okay, 2 weeks ago all the theories were about Partridge being Red John. I don't go this website for 1 week to study for my finals and now suddenly every theory is about Rigsby being Red John.  Did I miss something?

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"The Jungle Book" theory.
Famous Rudyard Kipling has a story collection called "The Jungle Book". I suggest you all to pay attention to its chapters 5 and 9. Chapter 5 is called... surprise... "Tiger! Tiger!". Chapter 9 is called "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi". It's about a pair of antagonistic cobras named Nag and Nagaina.
So, I offer that there is also a female RJ or "Red Joan". I'm not going to suit all the clues for this suggestion, but even the "He is Mar..." makes sense. RJ was McAllister. When I heard Kirkland's story about his brother, I made a guess that RJ must be one of the elder suspects - Stiles, McAllister, maybe Bertram, and among these McAllister was the most probable one. Besides, we were shown several times how somebody escapes some scenes on police car (for example, you may rewatch the last couple of minutes of season 4). Understanding and sharing all the unsatisfaction about S06E08, I have to conclude that McAllister was RJ with a very high probability.
But, as I said, there must be another "tiger" as well, or "tigress", to be correct. We know that the concept of criminal couples is highly connected to RJ. At this point I can't present a full theory, but we may discuss some female characters and create a new "list of 7". I suggest:
1) Madeleine Hightower. Helping to catch a man who is chasing RJ is the very right thing to do for this "tigress". On the other hand she might be more Bagheera.
2) Kristina Frye. We used to see her doing some extraordinary thing. But this kind of Frye simply could not exist, and PJ thinks the same way. So we have a character that can't exist, and may be hopeful to get some revelations about her true methods.
3) Rosalind Harker. RJ was using everybody he had in his "friends", and they all were useful. Perhaps the only exception is Harker. Sorry, but she is just useless for RJ. So either RJ truly loved her, or she is not just what she shows. On the other hand, she might be the key to one of the hardest mysteries: how RJ got the list? Everybody was criticizing PJ about the fact that he hadn't tried to check the voice recordings of the suspects with Frye to identify RJ. Actually we can't be sure he hadn't.
4) Lorelei Martins. If the previous thought about how RJ could get the list is true, then Martins had to be alive. Her death could be faked because of Partridge playing on RJ's side. Not a big fact, but when she was ordered to cut PJ's two fingers she chose the finger with a wedding ring. If she is the "tigress", then she was engaged in her sister's murder. She was playing like she is going to take a revenge, and later Lennon could enlighten this situation but was killed in hospital by M.Kirkland, who asked him a question to be sure he hadn't told anything to his twin brother Bob. Another fact is the shaken hands. First, I can't imagine RJ telling somebody about a simple handshake. It should be a special shaking, deserving to be mentioned. So, one more point for McAllister to be RJ. And second, RJ could share information only with somebody very close to him, like a wife.
5) Kim Fischer. Not much to say about this character yet. But her undercover actions and skills of putting ideas into PJ's head are very promising.
6) Ellen Preston. What a list without a forgotten character? Ellen Preston was the woman involved in "The Red Barn" story. It's supposed that RJ killed Talbot and Charney, who were running the farm. They were in conflict with Ellen Preston, so maybe RJ's probably first two murders were made to protect Ellen or her daughter, Holly Preston. Both could be love interest for young RJ.
7) Woman from the chapel. What a list without the second minor character? First, we were shown how this woman escaped before FBI reached the chapel, and this means she is still active. Second, the knife she was wearing was stupid but classic for criminal couples (one with a gun and another with a knife). Third, Gupta mentioned RJ being religious, it's also mentioned Tim Carter's connection with missionary in Africa, and McAllister being a big lover of hunting. So maybe McAllister was on safari and his wife (as I remember, RJ had a ring) was serving at church (and by this sourcing RJ with new suitable recruits). And forth, if RJ was PJ's reflection, then this "tigress" should be Lisbon's reflection. The actresses playing Lisbon and this mysterious woman are Robin Tunney and... one more surprise... Susan Tunney (actually not sure about this fact, because the role "Woman" mentioned in IMDB may refer to another character).
P.S.: If you read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T... you may find some similarities with the mentalist story.
P.P.S.: In "The Second Jungle Book" there is a story called "Red Dog".

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Does anyone have a tangible explanation for Red John knowing the list of 7 suspects (see season 5 finale) ? 
Do I have to abandon the hope of being provided with some (any?) explanation on Red John's actions (either with the TV show or the various contributors of this website) ?

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