Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


If it's not BA, RJ or a RJ follower    do you really give a fuck?     some random asshole with some bullshit made up motive        would that make you happy?         expect a whole bunch of red herrings that don't add up to shit          who on the FBI team is gonna double cross ?        I bet everyone on the show will now be a suspect   but don't bother guessing based on "clues"   cause Heller will just pull a name out of a hat                                                                                     don't want to be a troll so I'll just say                                                                                                                                

   *I loved the way Red John's identity was revealed --thrilling and perfectly executed--very satisfying I love that it was McAllister        *and this New Beginning is a breath of fresh air -- I love all the new characters and the new murders have kept me on the edge of my seat  guessing till the very end --- I love this brand new Jane      thank God RJ is dead           I bet this new CBI serial killer story is gonna be better than RJ saga ever was          Bruno Heller is a genius                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

      and for the love of fuck stop posting Sherlock spoilers       

 if you wanna compare The Mentalist to another show it should be LOST        they didn't answer any questions and the last season ruined the entire series                                   if season 6 ends without even a RJ mention it will go down as the biggest ball drop in TV's history                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   they just should have ended the RJ story on a high note with Timothy Carter  then seasons 4 & 5 could have been the BA as the main villain and season 6 could have been the CBI serial killer     the show ends with some dignity and enough episodes to make syndication                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 if you are just gonna cut up my theories in the comments section at least post your own theory as a response     


    if you come on this site and don't post any theories and all you do is cut up other people's posts  than you should just pull a Moriarty. . .  . . . . . .. . .and by that I mean put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger                     

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I remember one theory way back that said : "wait for me until the golden hammer." Someone knows something, not disappointed but sure as hell would like to see a crimsom :D on the wall.

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This "new" serial killer is one of three things   1- The B.A.  2- A Red John Follower/copycat  3- or Red John                             1-I don't think it was the B.A.- they are just blackmailed cops and Abbott says the FBI took down the rest of B.A.                  2- it could be a RJ desciple looking for revenge   but why kill ex CBI agents two years after CBI was disbanded and not just kill Jane first     3-  I pry to God it's RJ and he isn't using the smiley face cause he still wants Jane and the world to think McAllister was RJ and is dead                                 but Red John said he was going to start killing often and Haffner warned Lisbon    and he also threatened Jane          off the top of my head I don't remember seeing one RJ smiley face this season          what if RJ hasn't actually killed anyone this entire series and the real Red John is now killing everyone on the CBI list       every RJ murder is either a copycat killing or by a RJ follower like Timothy Carter or McAllister                                  

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Long time with no ideas, just following the great ideas of yours and hoping we are not  WAITING for something that will never happen

after watching 'Sherlok' latest episode it came across my mind that how I will feel if RED JOHN appeared in the last episode and draw the smile with "DID YOU MISS ME" under it???

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Well Yeah, we see Rigsby's flashlight goes to the knife in his chest and then looks up for a moment at the wall as if he's thinking, oh boy here we go again...which from his look we are led to think it was the Red John smiley face. But I just wanted to SEE it. ; )
I realized it was unrealistic to think they'd give us THAT much...but still, I was hoping...for all of us.

I mean they're making us wait till march for crying out loud. hopefully that is what Rigsby saw. But I guess we'll find out nearly around spring time. lol no long wait or anything.......

I can't believe they are making us wait that long!! There they go torturing the viewers again!
But I guess we shouldn't be surprised. They are good at torture...they created Red John after all.

Van Pelt also left Risby a voice mail to meet her instead of calling her back...so it's possible that Red John could knock out Rigsby and go after Van Pelt or since he may be the one bugging their phones...RJ will know where to grab up Van Pelt off guard. We shall see...

Hope I don't get hit by a bus or anything in the next 2 months...I'd hate to die without seeing the way this Red Joh storyline ends. LOL

Hopefully when Haffner comes back as Red John and maybe even Stiles as part of the big Visualize tie-in...they won't put their real names on the opening credits...that way it will be  really powerful when Red John returns! 

Well, we can dream right...they can't take that away from us.  ; )

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The Mentalist is going on yet another lengthy hiatus. There is no doubt that now that Red John is gone, this show has turned to shit. Sure, there is a new cast, a new set, seemingly larger, more elaborate stories but even if you dress it up, in the end, shit is still shit. The acting, writing, clever quips, and overall presentation of the show has all but diminished. It was a great show, was, but this hiatus is the beginning of the end for The Mentalist.


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***Continue reading this post ONLY IF you've already watched tonight's episode.***

Was anyone else with me on the edge of their couches tonight for the last 30 seconds of the show...REALLY hoping that after what we just saw WR find...

that an RJ smiley face would appear..........

Or at least that WR would get conked on the head? Something. Anything. To keep the dream alive. 

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