Who is Red John?

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Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Even though Red John is dead, his disciples and the Blake Association are still out there. Will we hear from them again?
Heller: I never say never, but I would say I think the audience and the story demands that we step away from that trope for a while. The trouble with these sorts of stories where you're playing tricks on the audience, with who-is-it mysteries, is you can get way too mysterious. There are people who said all the way along that Patrick Jane is Red John. When you've got that kind of elaborate thinking out there, it's dangerous to come back to that story unless you're coming back full force, because then maybe will start thinking, "Oh, maybe Red John's not dead." Red John is dead.

Dam it heller, I assure you the audience does not want you to "step away" from rj.

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I find it rather suspicious why CBS released episode 13's title quite later.
Episode 14 even got a title earlier to keep our hopes up.

and then the title revealed:

"Black Helicopters"


but then again,

"Red is the new Black" -S04x13

Yep, Title of the 13th episode of season 4. 

~did you miss me?

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did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?did you miss me?


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Its raining.... Its pouring... Sherlock is boring!

Did you miss me?

(now that's how you end a season!)

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If you look at the cast of the latest episodes, Rigsby and Van Pelt were listed with a "(Credits only)" sign after their names, but in the upcoming episode The Golden Hammer, the "credits only" sign is absent, which means that they will have roles in the episode. Also there usually is a tiny description of the episode before it airs, while there is none for the this upcoming one........hmmmMark my words; there is a surprise coming up!

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6x15 Haffner to Teresa and Grace: "There's a lot of powerful people that Jane's pissed off, not just Red John" 

Why do you guys he said that:

1. Haffner knew about the Blake association.

2. He said it because he cared about Lisbon and wanted her to be safe.

3. There's something we don't know yet.

4. They just wanted us to suspect more about that he was RJ.

Here are things I'd like them to explain:

1. Who was really McAllister and how he started the Blake association.
2.McAllister controlled the BA. So why did he recitate the poem to Jane? what did he want to        get doing so?
3.Why did Bob Kirkland kill Lennon without asking him for RJ?
4. The list.
5. Why didn't RJ kill Lisbon? I don't buy that the pigeons interrupted him. Ridiculous.
6. In which way were RJ and Visualize related?

Every explanation/comment will be appreciated. Sorry for my english, not my first language.

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