Who is Red John?

Theories of Motorcity19 (3)

Its raining.... Its pouring... Sherlock is boring!

Did you miss me?

(now that's how you end a season!)

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Does anyone know of any interviews with BH when PJ killed Timothy Carter?  Did he say anything like "ya we thought it was the right time to reveal red john blah blah blah".  Or "Red John is dead and the show will go in a different direction next season".  etc

Im curious if BH lied to us back in Season 3 (I think it was season 3) which could lead us to legitimately believe he lied to us again. 


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HI all

Just wanted to say I picked Brett as he was my choice from the beginning of season 6.  (After season two i think, i was convinced it was Kristina Fry and still kind of am lol).  Whether he is dead or not dead it doesn't matter.  Im probably wrong now but ill just leave it as that... just wrong and not try to pick someone else. 

I have one point to make and one concern. 

My point is whoever Red John ends up being, the majority of us will be wrong and very few of us will be right.  Cant wait to see all the "I told you so" comments from people lol.  I just really hope the reveal is climactic and not just a simple "here you go".  I really really hope it ends up being well done. 

My concern.  What happens to this website after we know who red john is.  I've enjoyed it very much with all the theories and even though my wife thinks I'm a nut when I relay all the theories back to her, I love how much time I've "wasted" on here. 

To the owner of the site, what an amazing job!  Really don't know what the plans are for after red john is revealed though :S which sucks.  I hope there is something lined up. 

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