Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


it think its Bret stiles but furthermore I believe he has van pelt under his wing with him  ...Only 4 people knew of Janes happy place in s1e6 about 17:30 in he revealed his happy place to only the team .. I think with stiles and van pelts connection they seemed to make the most logical sense of the 4 .. I also find it curious the timing of her and Wayne getting back together. Stiles has the brain, Money, And mind influence to be RJ he does run a cult after all ...he knew fry's location , has many cops and local enforcement in visualize and seems to really like Patrick and had the power to break out martin which would take serious law enforcement corruption and pull to pull off ..

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First episode of season 4 Jane fooled Haffner by changing the notebook, he cant be red john . Red john is way to intelligent and will never let that happen, i mean cmon rj has been always fooling jane and making creepy things.

He fooled thomas mcallister playing scissor paper stone.

Brett partridge also, he always is wrong , he says some theory about a murder and jane always corrects him.

Gale bertram needed help of jane to win in poker... Cmon really? Rj will never need help in nothing.


Reede smith .. Reslly? He ess slso fooled by jane snd fight teresa lisbon cho and rigsby, he will never go down to that level, he is way to elegant.

Stiles is the only one that could face jane and make him think, and if heller decides to put another one that is not in the list it eill make him a liar because he said that we must trust in the list.
Anyway i think he will make a awesoke rj appeareance!

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An alle deutschen Mentalist-Fans, die des englischen vielleicht nicht ganz so mächtig sind, aber dennoch Lust auf spannende Diskussionen haben: www.facebook.com/weristredjohn

Die Seite ist zwar noch ganz frisch, wird aber in Kürze mit den aktuellsten Infos und Ereignissen aus den USA gefüttert, denn dort geht die finale Jagd nach Red John bereits am 29. September los

Freue mich über eure Likes und hoffe, wir bauen eine starke Community auf :)

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Very interesting facts about the upcoming season:

Jack Plotnick (as Bret Partridge) returns in Season 6, Episode 1 (The Desert Rose)
Drew Powell (as Reede Smith) returns in Season 6, Episode 2 (Red-Winged Blackbird)
Xander Berkeley (as Sheriff McAlister) returns in Season 6, Episode 3 (Wedding in Red)

The Hunt for Red John begins :))

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I think people shouldn't be so quick to disregard anyone on the list purely because of their age or appearance. There is a reason why they are on it and that's because it is possible for them to be Red John. Jane's not stupid, and unless it is a fake list ( which I doubt), they all remain viable suspects. Bruno Heller has told us he has left false clues and told a few small lies along the way, and I'm almost convinced now that Rosalind's description is one of them. Bertram remains my top suspect, but he's closely followed by Bret Stiles. I've went into a lot of detail about Gale already below, but now I'd quickly like to talk about why people shouldn't rule out Bret...

Red John's main skills and assets are pretty well known to us all by now (and, in my opinion, we should pay more attention to these, than say his hair color or his height); he's charming, manipulative, powerful, rich, mature (classical music, tea), possible ladies man, extremely sharp and clever, mentalist powers such as hypnosis, brainwashing and cold reading (similar to Jane), large following (especially, it seems, from law enforcement and Visualise).
Stiles more so than anyone ticks those boxes for me. In particular, the scene in the cell with Grace just cried out to us Red John..he came across as seductive, manipulative and very charming as he taught her how to keep herself calm and exhale out all the red smoke inside of her. What if he took a particular liking to her because she reminded him of Rosalind Harker?...could be where the "Red" in his name comes from(his attraction to red hair). It wouldn't surprise me if later on, off screen, he recruited her to his Visualise program, and possible Red John network. The main point for me though is the actors of the seven on the list. Malcolm McDowell is in a different league from the rest of them, and that could prove to be the clincher for Heller, who'll be wanting the very best to compete with Simon Baker as Jane. The majority of you will be disappointed if it does turn out to be Stiles because you say he's too old, and you may have a point. But I'd argue that Stiles looks very able bodied for his age, as in he's not thinning or stooping hunchbacked in anyway. I'd also argue that his age could possibly be a factor in why the Red John killings have slowed down in recent years. Besides, it wouldn't exactly require bodybuilder like strength to overpower young startled women (no offense) when you have a taser, a knife and a gun. Also wouldn't it make sense that he'd take back up along with him anyway, in the events of a struggle? The Red Barn episode is probably a red herring e.g who'd have guessed Haffner, now a popular choice for many, had it not been for that episode? ... So, a random man passes on the news that someone told him he saw a 'kid' painting the sign on the barn, and therefore this is supposed to be solid and categorical proof Red John is in his 40's? Come on?!?

Instead of me talking about how he has ready made followers already in his cult, which we all know, I'll finish on his relationship with Jane. No one quite manages to get under Jane's skin the way Stiles does. There's an underlying mutual respect there between the two and both are reasonably social with each other (do favors for each other) but you couldn't class them as friends. The chemistry between them however, makes every scene exciting, and would be just brilliant to watch if it turns out he has been Red John all along!
I'm not saying that he is him, just that it's still very much a possibility! Thanks guys :-)

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hello ya
I think Brett is red john >>
that is came after i look deeply in every
single freak master of my reading
Brett is too old to be RJ
but ...
if you think a little
he is very  intelligent to any on on his visulize
accept jane >
he wants jane to think that
he is not very intelligent >> to do not enter jane's suspects
from watching the episodes
we know that RJ have followers
I also think that (brett) don't do the dirty  stuffs
like his mistakes >>> so he makes his followers the the job>>>
but his followers don't know that he is red john >>> they just
do what they told >>> because he is like a god for them >
RJ is  an ex farmer >>>
because of the smiley face in a farm witch it's near his visualize
so >>> he have the style to be in the form of a farmer
in S2 he came to the CBI office and he looks like he want beat jane
so while he was talking to the boss ( hitawer) [ the new boss]
- { she is his new CBI inside spy }
they was talking a bout jane to make evry one think jane did something bad
to him <<<>>>> to make him self out of the suspects list >
because he no that jane well >>>
and he know that jane love to win any mind games
>>so he let him self ino jane's games and lose against him to make jane
see him like a foolish person >>
RJ is Brett >>> he do his art >>> and his followers fixes his mistakes
without knowing that's red john mistakes and also . without knowing that's
RJ is Brett Stiles
thanks to all
 best for all
 sorry for my language & my mistakes

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First one; we need to find leader of RJ. I thought, Bret Stiles is the most powerful person in the seven suspect list.
He can impress a lot of executive, police, agent, businessman.. etc..
Remember that "red barn" episode. First murdered was found in a red barn where was the place of his.
So that, Leader of Rj must be very old. Anyway everyone knows he has got secret powers.
If seven suspects list is not truht , RJ is absolutely MUSHROOM.
And I would like to say that all seven suspects could be Red johns employers :)

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