Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Does Red John trying to bug the office mean all of the CBI officers on Lisbon's team are clean? I mean why would RJ have some random woman bug CBI's office if he already has someone on the inside telling him everything!? As for who RJ is I think Stiles is Red John but he has someone else do the dirty work for him aka (Haffner) 

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I think that it is very plausible that red john is an identity made up by the
TT organization for whatever reason that will be revealed. All the top members are part of the character of red john. For instance bret stiles is the one that seduces/hypnotizes red john followers and maybe one person does the actual killing or they take turns. I just don't see any other way for the red john reveal to be surprising or interesting.  unless the make jane red john which is my secret wish because it would be such an awesome twist.

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Well. I've had this theory since the first time I saw this guy on the show. Red John is described as a narcicistic guy, with big influences and power, and the hability to own other peoples mind, just like Patrick maybe, he must have some kind of special charisma, enough to make people kill for him, and even commit suicide!. That guy is Bret Stiles, he certainly is a a big leader, he knew where to find Kristina Frye, and besides, he is portryed by Malcom MacDowell, a tremendous actor, I've always thought it was suspicious that an actor like him has a role in the series, that role might not be a small one. In the psychiatric tape, she described hi as a middle-aged person, but what if he sent someone, like Haffner, to spy on her? About Brett Partridge, I've always thought on him as a distraction from Bruno Heller, because since the first season, some people think that he is RJ... But don't remember to have seen another TV series nor a movie, with 2 characters with the same name, so maybe actually there ir something on him. But btw, I vote on Stiles for this one :)

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Maybe the clues are in the paintings by William Blake. The great red dragon and the beast. The number of the beast is 666 again written on the wall of the house Lisbon was in. William blake seems to be a reoccurring theme along with the pigeons. The upcoming episodes is called the great dragon. Blake once claimed that he got the idea for the illustration method from a vision of his dead brother( not sure this means anything but interesting anyway).

This is what it says about the beast: ".....................and the (great) dragon gave him his power and his seat, and great authority". Could this have to do with Stiles giving Red John Power? I do hope we learn what these clues all mean by the time RJ is caught.

Also what did the wall say in that same house was it DIE or PIP or DID? I couldn't see it properly. The clue had to be in that room she first into because there was nothing in there and it was a waste of footage going in there in the first place.

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After some consideration and thoughts on RED JOHN, partridge does not have the power to recruit anyone. he father maybe but not him. Stiles is the only one with the charisma and charm to recruit so many people and get so many people to follow him and LOVE HIM so loyally. I mean even van pelt was close to selling her soul. Red John has to be either related to Stiles OR is the his son. There's no two ways about it. Noone else has the smarts, and the ability to brainwash so many people. It's him or his son and I won't find believable if it's anyone else, unless the back story is actually shown and unless we see the personlaity of the said person change completely in front of our eyes. 

Also thinking about it, Rigbsy could not be REDJOHN unless both him and van pelt were in on it. Where would they get the time to disappear and do REDJOHN related things, you know keep the brainwashing business going etc.

So ya STILES or his SON with STILES doing the recruiting. Not one of the 5 on their own. That wouldn't wash with me. None of them seem to have any charm. This is RedJohn were are talking about. I don't see the sheriff doing all those things, or SMITH. Haffner maybe but with a personality change.

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I personally think Red John is a group of people; not just 1 person. I do think there is a leader who could be Bret Stiles. A rich man who knows how to control people should be Red John.

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This interview with the writer of The Red Tattoo is very revealing:


If you look at the responses, it seems quite clear that Haffner is not Red John, although the writers wanted the viewers to suspect that perhaps he is, or that he is working for him or the TT conspiracy. For example (emphasis added by me):

"So you have this effect of, either he's [Haffner] Red John, or is he like John the
Baptist, the one who sort of comes before Red John? Is this Red John or
is this just this tool of Red John that is showing up to sort of throw
Jane off? Who's the puppet master behind it? Is Bret Stiles doing all
this to sort of screw with Jane's head even more than he has in the

... Haffner tells Jane there's a "comeuppance" heading
his way and makes reference to the fact that he has friends in CBI. Can
this be seen as an allusion to the "Tiger Tiger" conspiracy that was
teased in last week's episode?

Mahoney: Yes,
I think that's exactly right. Ray Haffner is a guy who used to work in
CBI. He's a guy who has connections all through law enforcement. We're
giving the audience information that our team might not have yet
. The
team takes this as, is this a Red John threat? Is this a Visualize
threat? But I think you're exactly right, and I think the audience
hopefully is going to pick that up. What Haffner's talking about is
there's chatter in the world of police.
A lot of people have this sense
that there is a secret society out there. And there are rumors that Jane
has really pissed those people off, and that's a dangerous thing to
have done

" ... It's important to remember that Ray Haffner has not had a particularly pleasant experience with Patrick Jane. [Laughs] And
while Ray Haffner really does have a genuine fondness for Teresa
Lisbon, Patrick Jane to him is just a nightmare. He's the guy who
screwed up Haffner's chances of sort of moving up in the CBI.
To some
extent, I suspect [Jane is] part of Haffner's motivation for leaving
CBI. Jane is that guy who's just always one step ahead. For Haffner,
throughout this episode, he's very happy with the idea that there's a
case that Jane seems to be stumped by. Unfortunately for him, of course
that turns out not to be the case. But essentially when he's saying to
him, "You've got a comeuppance coming," he devoutly wishes that to be
true. And from the rumors he's heard, he's pretty confident that that's
going to happen

*******  THIS IS COMPLETELY AT ODDS WITH RED JOHN. Is the writer here revealing that Haffner is not (can not be) Red John?

"Jane is going to sense clearly that there's the threat of Red John, and
then there's this other threat
. Is this Red John, or is this an entirely
separate other thing? Are they connected? If they are connected, how?
Certainly we've heard Red John say "Tiger Tiger" to Jane personally. But
again, is that Red John just screwing with Jane? Is that giving him
clues that are helpful
, because why would he do that? Or is it giving
him clues that are going to lead Jane into traps? I think that's one of
the things that Jane now has to figure out. He's putting together all
these clues that he's got, but which ones are the ones that he can
trust? What's the direction that he should be heading in, and where are
the traps that Red John is leaving for him?

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