Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


First PLEASE stop looking at next weeks promo for clues. Just because it appaears as though Mcallister is not dead, does not make him Red John. Just because you THINK you hear Red John say "The Game is over I Win" does not mean that is even Red Johns voice. That wouold not be the first time Red John delivers a message to Jane through a messenger who uses the word "I" when referring to Red John. The network would not go all this way to give away such blatant revelations in the PROMO.....Now on to my theory.

My theory is more of a sit back and ask yourself a key question. WHAT IS RED JOHNS MOTIVE???? In the beginning Red John was depicted as a psychotic serial killer who just liked killing and torturing people, mostly women. As the series moved forward he slowly became a intelligent, manipulative, messianic figure complete with disciples, informants, and a network of followers. Now were supposed to believe he is the leader of a massive, very powerful criminal organization made up of law enforcement and judges??? Why would someone so smart, so powerful, so influential risk it all by getting his rocks off killing random women?

Either this show is completely jumped the shark and cannot reasonably connect season 6 to season 1 ORRR there is some other purpose for the Red John murders that carry some elaborate motive not yet explained.

Its my theory that Red John is NOT a member of the Blake Association, and in fact his motive is to expose it. Bosco and his team were not set up and killed by Red John, they were set up and killed by Blake Association operatives because the Red John investigation was leading them to Blame Association members. Every Red John murder including that of Janes family threatened to expose the association. Knowing that Jane would stop at nothing to catch him after murdering his family, Red John continued to lead Jane towards exposing the Blake Association and it worked. Bertram kept wanting to be there when Jane caught Red John not protect him, but because the Association wants Red John dead. Notice how the Blake Association members behave a little differently than Red John Disciples. Red John Disciples seem loyal, almost like they worship him, while Blake Association members are bribed or forced into membership. Finally I cant escape the biblical symbolism. Red Dragon, the picture of the last supper, a final showdown in a church, fire and brimstone. Does Red John view himself as a modern day Jesus revolting against a tyrannical regime complete with disciples? Even the episode after Red John has the word heaven in the title.

With this theory in mind I look at Stiles... If red John is NOT in the Blake Association, Stiles and Haffner were the 2 without a tattoos. Stiles for sure views himself as a Jesus type figure with his own disciples, close to death, who will return after his demise.


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From the first episode he appeared, I KNEW right that that BRET STILES was Red John. I just KNEW it.

Now, I see people yelling at me for my ignorance because he is believed to be dead. I don't buy it.
And here's why.

Gale is NOT Red John.
There is no way Patrick would reveal RJ identity because he wants him for himself. Patrick KNOWS that RJ is one of the suspects that were ''killed'' because of the explosion. However, he doesn't know how to make contact with them.

Therefore, he set up a trap. He uses Bertram as a bait to lure Red John out because RJ would NEVER allow anyone steal his title of the greatest serial killer of all times.

When you think about it. You have 5 suspects and one of them is the killer. 3 of them dies in the explosions. That's possible. BUT, does it involve that the killer is obligatory one of the two still alive?
Not really, RJ could have been killed in that blow.

So here is my theory. Two of them died and one got away. With those circumstances, everybody would assume that the third died aswell.
But then again, no. Not necessairly
It's a great cover, don't you think?

If you put aside the scenes from that promo trailer (because it doesn't prove you actually SEE the real Red John, it could be just the magic of editing software wanting you to believe so)
You CANNOT trust a trailer because elements of it can be taken out of context. The man jumping through the window is NOT NECESSAIRLY RJ.

In the end, I still put my money of Stiles. When you think about it, the man pretends to be dead, and by the time Patrick realize he was wrong, Stiles passes away from his cancer.
Checkmate Patrick, you will never get the pleasure of killing Red John!

If you take the «666» clue, it reminded be of a song (because I'm a music fan) but I do know that the spoken intro is based upon the bible. The original text goes like this (or something highly similar, depending on the translation)

Therefore, rejoice, O
Heavens, and all you who live in the Heavens! But alas for the earth
and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great fury, knowing
that his time is short!”

First of, the Devil comes down from where? I would assume he gets down from Heaven (to spread his fury on earth and sea). And it would metaphorically mean that it's someone who is believed to be dead. (Stiles, Haffner, McAllister, Partridge or Kirkland)

But it truly stands out when you take the «KNOWING THAT HIS TIME IS SHORT»
Why would the Devil's (assuming that the devil is RJ) time would be short? Because he is dying.
Which one of the suspects has actually a very little time before death knocks at his door?... BRET STILES!

My theory, not yours.
Just thought I would share the idea I just got.

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Did anyone notice when they were interrogating Reese Smith a person walking down the hall , a shadow, was whistling? RJ is a good whistler.

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It seems very clear that people with three dots on their left shoulder
are part of the secret group "tyger tyger". And this makes BERTRAM,SMITH
AND MCALLISTER amongst the members of this group or, if you like, Red
John's allies. This is why they are seen many a time together.I have a
strong hunch that only Red John's followers wear this TATTOO. Red John
himself does not have this tattoo and this makes STILES and HAFFNER
amongst strong contenders.
From the philosophical aspects of William
Blake's work, however, only Brett Stiles seems to be the person who
could understand, scheme and design an evil group  based on FEARFUL
SYMMETRY. Also, Bruno Heller himself said that Red John is not a loner
frustrated killer, rather he is like a schemer who might design the
scheme but might not do the dirt work himself. Does not a person as
intelligent, smart, charming and persuasive as Stiles fit this
description perfectly?

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We've talked about the suspects so much in the last few weeks, that I will probably be not shocked at all by the reveal..At this point the only person who would surprise me is Stiles, because I'm sure it's not him. Lol.

We always say he knows RJ but he is not RJ, so he is the only one where I would say: "wow! I didn't see this coming! It was him this whole time?"

I still don't think it's him but I won't be shocked by anyone else unless there is a huge twist that leaves us all speechless.

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3 of the HOLY TRINITY: God, Son of God and the Holy Spirit
3 of the UNHOLY TRINITY: Satan, Antichrist and the False Prophet [all BEASTS]
3 CRIMINAL ENTITIES: RJ, Tyger Tyger and Visualize [obviously symbolic of the UNHOLY TRINITY]
3 SYMBOLS to represent the "mark of the BEAST[s]."   SO, EACH BEAST has it's own MARK:

RJ: smiley face
Visualize: the EYE logo
Tyger Tyger:  the three dots [unless this turns out to be something else]/there is still the TT catchphrase

The question is WHICH criminal is WHAT part of the Unholy Trinity?

1) SATAN, the Accuser -- the ultimate "prosecuting attorney" who wants to be worshipped instead of having to worship -- he is full of PRIDE, the very first sin

2) ANTICHRIST -- a son made in Satan's image and given Satan's power to spread Blasphemy, and

3) FALSE PROPHET -- who by appearing helpful and healing to the world actually supports Satan's agenda in return for self glorification and ego power

IS RJ SATAN himself?  OR the SON of SATAN?  I thought maybe STILES was the False Prophet, but then if STILES were RJ's father -- that's a pretty nice SATAN/ANTICHRIST set up with TYGER TYGER as the FALSE PROPHET [law enforcement meant to protect and help people] 

EITHER WAY -- STILES IS INVOLVED.  It's fairly common that Cult Leaders often father MANY children -- that they usually do not parent.  STILES probably has half a dozen illegitimate children around California.  ALSO, Stiles is a "metaphorical" father for many [trying to be like their own personal God] -- so RJ is likely someone who Stiles has a paternal relationship with.

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