Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


could've been a good or even great Red John if he was properly build up
to be Red John from the beginning.A few things, that would've made him a
better, maybe even good Red John

1. More appearances. Appearing in 1x02
for the first time is a good way to introduce Red John. Give him 2-5
more appearances over the course of the next seasons. Maybe let him
reappear twice in season 2, once in season 3 and 1 or 2 times in season
2. Less dumb first appearance. He was like a buffoon.
There was something creepy about him, but that was not enough. Let him
win at rock-paper-scissors a few times.
3. Give some clues. Noone had
McAllister as a suspect before the list, I personally didn't even
remember him. Don't make him too obvious, but give some clues.
4. Better
reveal. Nothing to say here. NO running away, McAllister was actually
quite cool in 6x03, keep him that way. Don't let him fear death.5.
Longer life span after being revealed. Let him atleast live for about 2
or 3 episodes after his reveal.
5. Show him as the brilliant mastermind
we were searching for 5 seasons. Answer all or most of the questions.And
there you have it: he could've been a good Red John.

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Theory #18916 • By Inplainsight
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When the finale aired, understandably, most of on this site were irked and let down by the reveal that Thomas Mcallister was Red John.

But when you think about it, all the signs did point to him.

1) He "shook" Patrick's hands
2) He's a silent hunter, and can pop up at behind you silently
3) Likes to chase and be with red haired Women
4) Works in law enforcement, so can move around with little to no suspicion
5) Looks like the type to listen to that weird classical musical music lol

In short I'm very satisfied with the reveal. What do you think?

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Theory #18915 • By Inplainsight
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The signs were there all throughout the series, what a brilliant ending to the RJ Saga

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This is the first time i ever put Macalister as Red john
on this site..

I dissed Heller for how the show turned out
but i was so wrong.

First off, secret groups whithin law enforcement
and politics are as real as day!

The whole image of "serial killers" in our society is a lie..

Monsters like Jeffrey Darmer or the Zodiac Killer are not serial killers.

They were the low life handlers that delivered victims to their bosses..

Satanist and Pedophillia cults are rampant in law enforcement and elite circles.

Red John was never a serial killer

He didnt have an M.o.

And we know this bc he killed more people on the Mentalist in
different ways than he killed by his apparent m.o.

She lured girls in vegas to join red john.
A pimp or "madame" you can say..
Red john controlled her not because he's magic..
Its trauma based mind control not some trick..
Rj manipulated Lorelie by exploiting her past traumas..

Ok how did Red John guess Janes list..

It was a trick like Jane said

How hard would it of been to fake Lorelie's death?
Rj owned the police!
And if you watch the scene where Jane finds her body..
1)she has less injuries than she did in the video
2) she showed no wounds and only had a white sheet covered in blood draped over her
3) the crime scene was shady in itself and police presence was minimal.

So rj kept lorelie alive and used her
He knew Jane was getting close so killing Lorelie right away would be stupid for him..

The Ba are aleister crowley "do what thou will" type of dudes..
Above God
Which is parellelled with Visualize Stiles type of thinking..

Only Rj left Visualize after the barn in 88'

He started selling meth like that episode implies..

And remember when Macalister , Bertram, and Reed Smith are all having a meeting together?
It was a meeting about "getting meth off the streets in Nappa Country"


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Satanic Rituals and mind control..
The only person who could mindfuck Freye like that was Stiles..

"My dear chap, I know so much more than you or Red John could ever imagine"

Frye was the only character that fit two big Rj criterias for me..
1) obsessed with proving her powers
2) obsessed with Jane to the point where she HAD THE SAME EXACT JOB!!
Talk about feaeful symmetry right? She literally was a cbi psycic...
She also talked to Rj on tv like Jane..
She also described Janes fams death to him..heartless..
I think Stiles gift wrapped Rj for Jane and destroyed her mind..

BUT the Ba is something else....
If you research serial killers enough you realize that most times it was really a sex trafficking operation thats covered their tracks by creating a false narrative of some "loner" dude..
Like Timothy Carter, prominant "good guy" with a sex slave..
Guy from ep 1 that copycatted RJ, he seemed like a elite pedo who got kids from his africa trips..

Seriously, son of sam, dahmer, Gacy, etc were just the dudes who would deliver the child or girl to the cult members...

Stiles either was boss or wanted to take them down..
The BA and Macalister werent serial killers, they were pedofile sex trafficking people...
Especially in Cali!
Lorelie was a sex slave turned vegas recruiter..
Thats what these people do, they kill your sister then trauma base mind control you..

**big point here..
Kinda weird that Stiles just so happens to die at the same exact time that
he is in hiding from the fbi...

Meaning we have no idea still what happened that night, jane had a gun who the fuck threw a concussion bomb? Lol

Stiles faked his death that night..
He was prob in the car leaving janes house when lisbon was arriving...
How he pulled it off i dont know but no way he was in hiding from the fbi, dying of cancer, and magically blown up in the process...
No way..too convenient..

Freye could of been BA too but i think she killed Janes Fam..
Bertram knew Red John was Ba!!!
Said hes top brass but didnt say the boss..
Plus how can Bertram know whos top what if nobody knows whos who...

I think in the end Stiles used Jane but also led jane to the dirtiest group of law officials ever...
Stiles wasnt petty enough to kill Janes family..i think Freye was the only one insane enough to be petty as RJ was...

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Anyone remember the part AFTER Red John died? They were in the factory and it was booby trapped and Rigsby almost died? The factory blew up? Who was it that tried to kill them? I looked into it but no one has any answers/theories on it and they never arrested anyone.

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