Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Well there were many things that were kind of strange so i hope maybe you could help me. Just watched the last episode and was kind of shocked that thats supposed to be the end....wasnt realy a good end to me but nevermind....my actual question is....there was one scene where Kirkland is in his office and his putting janes map together and he mixes himself a red drink with a celery in it and there i had to think about what red jonhs misstress said: I wonder that you didnt become best friends when you shook his hand because you are so similar....i remeber also an episode where jane drank that same drink....and i dont believe in conincidents at least not in tv shows. And also the fact that Kirkland killed the only guy who knew Red John in the Hospital and if he realy was hunting him why did he kill him? Besides that, in which way was jane and Mc Allester similar? And also that this weirdo was tapping all of their phones....i doubt that he would have the skills to just listen to FBI agents. Next to that when Bertram was in the Church and was about to shoot Jane he said that he didnt know Red John and that he was a high ranked member...i dont see a point in lying to a man that i am certain to kill in a few moments. So i would realy appreciate if someone help me with that

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Just a thanks and farewell.  Your theories and comments provided many hours of pleasure.  I'm among those royally p***** at Heller's (random, unconvincing, illogical) choice of Red John.  Many theories posted here were magnitudes better in every way.  I'll re-watch episodes up till 6.8.  Everything after is pathetic.  Thanks for all the fish.

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Theory #18826 • By Alex371
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I believe that everything moves faster than the speed of light. If you think about it, light travels through space. When we or anything occupies space, light has to bend around it (which is why shadows appear). Therefore the bending of the light means that the object travels faster than light itself because light has to bend around you which slows it down making you theoretically faster than light when you occupy the space it would have moved through. 

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Does anyone remember a long time ago, how laroche died, how there was someone tracking all their phones?? WHO was tracking them? It was related to Red john. So who was tracking their phones? Im 99% sure they never say...

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In response to Theory #18821: First I love that we get to vent, rant and rave here with each other Post-Finale. ;-P Next, I agree with all the plot holes you guys listed here as being the worst. I also wanna know why the HELL did Heller want to drive us all crazy? He already made his millions. Plus syndication. Got into our heads. For me and some others I know of, Heller is/was Red John. (in Haffner's body) but Bruno didn't have the grapes to see it through. *Friends, please add in your own RJ. ;-D Might as well hold onto our memories and dreams of what could have been. (or not.) Yeah, then again maybe we should just "feel our anger" and use the Dark side of the force like Bruno did. lol  I think Heller is the true Red John. He just messed with us and then gave us the double bird as he left us gasping for air on the ground. The End. -- I still enjoyed the first 6 1/2 years of The Mentalist, but it's kinda ruined by all the plot holes and his obvious disdain for detective-like fans of the show who he led around with his breadcrumbs for over 6 years and then said, Oh sh*t.. now where was I? Fu*k, I'm lost! Oh well, just grab the worst RJ possible and pass it off as "oh he wasn't so big and bad after all. They'll never know the difference." Riiiiiiight.....yeah we really fell for that one, Bruno. UM, NOT SO MUCH. But what can we do? Have a big freaking tea party together, that's what I say.

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Hey, why don't we use this website as a forum for general media entertainment. I don't think it's healthy anymore to discuss Red John. Plus we've been doing it for the better part of a decade now. We can use this website to discuss other tv shows, movies, etc. Stuff that we like. Cuz I'm pretty sure The Mentalist is gone for good. (It's how all tv ahows are. When the series finale approaching they say, "Oh we'll do this, we'll return with this - but it never happens. Yes it did, with Breaking Bad, 24 and Heroes but for every one of them there are 10 who didn't. And those were different cases in so many ways. The hope for The Mentalist to return is sort of becoming like the hope of RJ related stuff to appear post 6x08 and we all know how that turned out.) Anyway, I think this is the best direction to take for this website. Cuz I see only 2 other options. 1.) It goes to waste like a junkyard. 2.) Or every now and then a comment might come, maybe by a Red John fan, or just a troll; which I think would be pathetic and depressing. We can obviously come back to Red John at times but constantly discussing and talking about it is seriously fatuous. Let me know what you think the usual way (green-agree/red-disagree).

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Hannibal season 2 OMG!!!

The Mentalist should have been just like this show...
Jane hunting a killer with everyone questioning if Jane is in fact the killer since their so much alike.
The dialogie on hannibal is perfect and really shows how two people can change eachh other like Red John and Jane.

Hannibal loves will, we deff didnt see that love in season 6.
We didnt see anything actually.
Styles could have been on Janes side helping him hunt this monster Visualize created....
But no

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