Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Only one way to save this soap opera now:

It was clear to the FBI (as well as to all of us) that Mcallister couldn't be red john

They knew it had to be Jane (multiple reasons have been listed 1000 times)

That's why they bring him back to the country with the excuse the FBI desperately needs him (who would buy that anyway.. it's the freaking FBI)

They've been trying to push him so he would crack / make a wrong move all along (probably his moves followed by someone from the FBI, Lisbon not likely in on this - higher up)

That'd be why Abbott doesn't really care about the BA list

Pike going after Lisbon / potentially taking her away could be a first attempt at this

The death of a team member would be another attempt for him to crack

Clearly another psychic who wants to stop a serial killer and goes on tv to stop him is over the top so Jane finally kills the guy - and writes 'fake'

The wedding could go ahead and they could catch him or not - but maybe we will see jane drawing a red smiley face in one of the last scenes

Bruno saying that Jane is not red john wouldn't be a big deal since those would be 2 split personalities of a disordered guy (none of them are real) - so technically Jane (personality) would not be red john

This is the only way seasons 6 and 7 would make any sense - as a plot to catch Jane - hopefully they'll get it right - answer tomorrow..

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This week, for a moment, I came to think of theories about a possible return of Red John. That maybe he would come back, we all know how he hates false seers, perhaps kill Lisbon, I do not know, giving his show again.

But no, Bruno Heller is shitting for us, became one of my favorite series in Mexican soap opera.

The number 3 said in episode 7x11, is not Red John, but a son who waits Lison, which was killing Jane inside is fear of losing Lisbon, with pregnancy and marriage that we all know will occur.

Everyone here already give so many cool, satisfactory theories on decent final, who accompanied him for many years The mentalist.

Well, maybe we do not have a surprise right?

It should now be focused on Gotham is shitting on what we think the end like it or not, we look to the end and gave his audience.

Let each make your final bet it will be better than what is to come.

Sorry English, greetings from Brazil! I will miss all theories I have ever read.

Ty guys gll

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Maybe Jane could be Red John but I do not think.You know, season 6 was complete bullshit. According to me, THE WRITERS failed.

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I'm so f***ing glad this massive train wreck of a show is coming to an end. It was so great for about four, maybe five seasons, with all that build up and intrigue of the Red John mystery. Then we finally had a final list of suspects! Jane narrowed it down! We were going to know who the killer of Jane's wife and daughter was and how he got away with everything!

And then it was Yosemite Sam, the rootinest, tootinest, shootinest Napa County Sheriff ever, who is afraid of birds and can run through glass doors while shot with little effect, but can't outrun a guy who never does any physical activity, and doesn't have any back up weapons. The woman in the church? Never found anything out about her. The list of Blake Association members? That went nowhere.

Bruno Heller, screw you. There's a reason I don't watch Gotham (well, besides it's a dumb idea to do a Batman show WITHOUT Batman).

You broke my heart. This show broke my heart by being good and then destroying itself in a blaze of incompetence.

If you don't recall my review of the conclusion of the RJ arc, it's here: http://otakurevolution.com/content/pigeon-holed-the-mentalist-flips-fans-the-bird-or-red-red-whine

Here's my music video sendoff of the arc: https://vimeo.com/80520750

Also, Red John should have been Haffner. Visualize member, shook Jane's hand, has an interest in Lisbon, has an anger inside him, access to CBI information. Probably really narcissistic.

Whatever. We'll always have Seasons 1-5.

Tyger, Tyger.

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So this is it the grand finale....
I think Jane being Red John is our last hope at a great ending.

Jane is a master manipulator and has gotten away with murder twice.
I think he even hypnotized Abbot into forgetting about the Ba Usb.
Remember that was what Abbot wanted from Jane and i also i remember Jane always tapping Abbot on the arm just like he does to hypnotize people....

What if all that Haibach stuff was Jane?
The cbi Hitlist and murder of Ardilles and La Roche was NOT done by Haibach.
And if you remember Jane was jeleous Lisbon was with Ardilles and Jane also told Rigsby and Van Pelt to include La Roche bc he owed Jane a favor...

-fast forward to now.
Wiley gets hit and remembers old beer. How can someone smell like old beer by just being in a brewery for a moment?
Jane was drunk that night and alone....

Maybe Bosco whispered to Jane "i know its you".....

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Byzantium was a great episode. The best of the season 7 and most part of the previous season. I just found myself imagining a smiley face behind gabriel, would simply sensational!

What the number three means? A son? A third Red John?

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Why Partridge's last words were "Tyger, tyger" instead of just saying sheriff's name? Before he died he switched McAllister's DNA records to a random body and he should've known then that McAllister is probably RJ, and not to mention he probably did see who killed him. I don't know, I got the impression, when he was saying his last words, that he wanted to help and I think he could have done more if he just said ''sheriff".

It's also puzzling why Teresa was left alive. If Red John was in that room as well, he MUST have overheard Partridge's last words to Teresa, so why he didn't kill her then? I mean, those words, or actually anything that Partridge might have told Teresa, were a risk for RJ, so why he didn't kill her?

Only thing that can make sense to me is that Partridge, if he were RJ, eliminated himself by faking his death and let Teresa live to pass those words to PJ so they could destroy the organization.

Also, Kira Tinsley must have had x-ray vision.

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