Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Pardon my language ............but WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH THIS FUCKING SHOW?? WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO THIS SHOW??? IT'S FUCKIN CRAZY !!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ONE OF MY FAVORITE SHOWS ? THIS IS A FUCKIN JOKE -------why?....Why??.........WHY???!!!!!!! --------> The entire series revolved around Red John...and it worked....it was entertaining and exciting to watch ..... And then S06E08 "Red John" ....I'm not even gonna get into that disaster cause my fuckin head will explode ...we all know....what the fuck .....what the fuckin fuckin fuck......I'm still in shock ..... HOW CAN YOU END THE RED JOHN SAGA LIKE THAT????? There's a lot of different ways to bring Red John back there's still hope ....this whole "New Beginning" has been a trainwreck......The Mentalist 2.0....and Season 7 just takes it to a whole new level.....JISBON.... just typing that word makes me mad...lol what the fuck is this unrealistic awkward shit? Who the fuck writing this fuckin garbage? It's not The Mentalist I knew and loved..... this is fuckin toon town.........I should be commited cause I'm still hoping one of three things -- (1- it's all been a post explosion coma dream (2- it's all a long con to capture the real RJ or (3- Patrick Jane is Red John...anything but a Jisbon Wedding.......fuck you Bruno Heller fuck you

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Why change the show so drastically for the last season and a half? It seems like a dream .... He finally kills Red John, goes on a care free vacation, and then hooks up with Lisbon. How awesome would it be if he is starting to wake up from his coma and the last 3 episodes are the real hunt for the real Red John.......cause everything since the explosion has been a fuckin joke. The RJ reveal, new beginning, CBI killer, agent Fisher, and now Jisbon. Not only would u buy the coma explanation I would be excited that RJ is still alive ................................. How many people think RJ is still alive?

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Anyone else out there who actually unliked The Mentalist page on facebook after many years of following it? I never thought in a million years that my ex favourite show would become one of the most disappointing, boring shows out there..I admire the strength and enthusiasm of those of you who still bother to come up with any theories or ideas on whoisredjohn.com. Now I completely understand why people always say: go out on a high. That's what The Mentalist should have done, go out with dignity when they were still very successful and the storyline was fascinating..
What a pity! :/

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WOW The Mentalist kills off a main character episode .......finally.......except who fuckin cares about Vega ..... Pre getting shot I was actually thinking "why have this character at all?" They never developed her at all she was on the team for like a month and had no family ......she was a red shirt the whole time .......the big death episode should have been Rigsby last season.....that would of had some weight to it ..........lol this is like a bad episode of Criminal Minds.....................................now I watch to see how fuckin God awful this show has become .....it's mind blowing ...............series finale starts off with Grisby dead- Cho gets murdered next(sorry no promotion Cho) - Lisbon is in danger-Jane actually has to solve an actual mystery using his skills -Abbott gets murdered next- Jisbon gets abducted- mystery killer is revealed to be Styles (with Haffner by his side)They untie Jane and when Jane rises from his seat both Stiles and Haffner get on their knees and bow to Jane who then turns to Lisbon and with a smile explains to her that he was Red John the entire time

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I've always wanted Cho to get more of the primetime... but this is not what i've asked for :/ at least there's some twist ... it's moooooooooving

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What did Patrick mean when he said to Lisbon "I have go, I can't be here anymore".  Is Patrick waking up from his coma, or is life support being discontinued?  I can't wait for next week's episode.

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What if "He is Mar" was actually "He is Many" just the n unfinished?

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