I think the title of the next episode "Nothing Gold Can Stay" is related to Jane taking off his gold wedding ring.
I think the title of the next episode "Nothing Gold Can Stay" is related to Jane taking off his gold wedding ring.
A member of the Pretty Little Liar cast said recently about A (their equivalent of Red John) "Everyone will freak out because it's so clearly in every episode," he adds, laughing. "When it's finally revealed, you could literally go back to season 1 and knowing who it is, you can be like, 'Oh, wow. Whoa. This has been here all along, and I never noticed it,' which is, I think, brilliant."
To those who still don't understand that some of us are annoyed by the "little reveal" it is because we expected exactly that, to freak out, to think to ourselves "Wow, crazy, brilliant" and to watch it again thinking "Wow, crazy, brilliant". In a word we had expectations.
That last episode felt more like Leverage then the mentalist
Well ... no more theories on R.J. ... Vega is being killed on the next episode ... there's no more to say about this crap ... even the spot sells who it is ... just like that infamous S 6 - E 8 garbage ... what's the suspense here? ... I mean, really ... that PJ is gonna save TL from "Lazarus" or viceversa? ... FFS ... : ) ... hail the real R.J. ... I mean the one each single person has in his own mind.
Okay, so the last two episodes took place in Lisbon's hometown of Chicago, revolving around her brothers, and childhood home in need of repair [that Jane thinks is a nice place].
And as such a strong family and baby theme has emerged, even in the story of the week -- but since it's quite clear Jibson doesn't really have sex -- how WILL they end up with a family? Truth is, even though I think "baby" and "family" are being foreshadowed, I can't even remotely imagine Lisbon pregnant. But of course, they could adopt.
And then it suddenly occurred to me: are we seeing her brothers in Chicago because we're being set up for something more sinister? I think something could happen to her brother Stan and his wife, which would leave their three children orphaned [a familiar theme in Lisbon's family].
Maybe Lisbon is going to find herself the instant mother to her brother's children.
SPOILER: How season 7 ends, no matter what bullshit Heller tries to pull.
After Copper Bullet, Jane uses the favors he did Abbot to convince him to cut his leash from the hands of the FBI and go on protected from indictment for his murder, allowing him to quit with Teresa as a free man.
'Lazarus' is brushed off as a very subpar villain of Thomas Mcallister-esque proportions, the likes of whom even James Panzer outshines, and Jane and Lisbon get married as we all know is inevitable in White Orchids.
They have a house, they have a baby. Jane quickly realizes he needs a source of income if he is going to support his new family, so he takes up the psychic business again. It is, after all, what he is best at. Some years later, many people know Jane is the man who killed the famous serial killer Red John, so he speaks his mind on a talk show on what he felt about Red John, maybe changing a few details here and there. What an evil, sexually perverted, squalid egomaniac of a sociopath with pathetic delusions of grandeur he is. Who cares, he's dead right? It's been a few years, he killed him.
When that's done, he calls his wife to ask how she and the baby are doing, but gets no response.
"Must have a poker game." Patrick laughs to himself, assuming also the baby is being babysat by Grigsby before heading home.
He walks inside, closes the door behind him, wheels the children's training bike gifted by Grigsby aside, then steps up the stairs with a stupid smile on his face.
You can feel the dread when Patrick realizes there is another note on the door.
On the letter reads: "This is what happens when you fuck with me, Bruno."
The door opens to blotches of red on the wall, quickly bringing into focus the eyes of hell incarnate, that distinct pattern of blood trails that instantly shatters Patrick's very sanity.
Cue reboot of the series on a different network, with writers who are actually competent enough to bring Red John the closure it deserves, with the kind of mastermind it deserves, and final confrontation it deserves.
I'd like to thank everybody who took part in sharing their vote in regards to the way Bruno Heller handled the end of Red John. We cracked about 60 votes which was way more than what I initially thought we'd get. Between Molly's survey and my poll I can definitively say we have roughly around 100 people (active on this website) who are still upset with how Red John's demise was done. Bruno Heller should be ashamed of what he's done. He created such an engaging show with an unprecedented level of quality and turned it into a cheese-fest like soap opera. This is unnacceptable. How many times do creators and actors from various television shows come out and tell the fans (all of them) how much they appreciate their support and say that. IT IS BECAUSE OF US AND PEOPLE LIKE US WHO ALLOWED THE MENTALIST TO GO ON FOR OVER 6 SEASONS. I HOPE THAT BRUNO HELLER HAS A MISERABLE CAREER AND NEVER PRODUCES A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT EVER AGAIN. I hope the last few episodes are Red John related. But unfortunately, it'll probably be more cases, Lazarus will be like a killer from the god-awful: The Following (generic guy trying to follow in the footsteps of a killer {in this case Red John}; rokkie amateur) and jisbon wedding. I hope I'm wrong because no matter how much harm has been done, the last 4 episodes could still fix a lot. Nonetheless, you are all true heroes and the best of fans: the dedicated and educated kind. Never will a show ever in the history and future of time ever have a fan-base as strong as the original Mentalist's fan base. Once again, thank you all for your votes and no matter how it all ends, it was a good journey for about two-thirds of it.