Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Well, here's my take on this week's episode:  "The Whites of His Eggs" ….err, I mean, "Eyes" 

There's the GOOD, BAD and the UGLY [and the just plain STUPID]

1)  THE GOOD:  The story of the week.  Wow, I actually liked it.  It had a decent amount of suspense and the assassin was formidable.  When just about every other villain makes for a better RJ than the RJ we got, the question: "Do you think 6x08 was a success?"  is a no brainer.  It's NO, because Lydon could have been a better RJ, period.  No one should qualify to be better than what we got but everyone does at this point [except for Haibach LOL]  And, in this episode, the bad guy went down like a bad guy should, properly beat at his own game minus pigeon tricks.  

2) THE BAD:  the beginning and ending bits, that focused on Jibson's "relationship" 

a)  the beginning bit -- 
So just as we're all complaining about Lisbon's recent "adhering to gender roles due to her new relationship" -- they throw us"Lisbon beats Jane at foosball" to show, that indeed, Lisbon has not been traded in for a Stepford Wife. 
And, let's not forget the scintillating dialogue in that opening sequence!

"Can we get some chicken wings?" Lisbon says.

"Sure.  We may have to get 'em to go," Jane responds.

"Can we get some chicken wings to go, please?"  Jane asks the waitress.

But then Lisbon gets a call from the boss.

"We need to go now," Lisbon tells Jane.

"Uh, 86 the wings!"  Jane shouts to the waitress, "Thank you. Sorry."

There I was….on the edge of my seat -- will they eat chicken wings at the bar?  Or will they eat wings in the car?  And then after all of that build up, they had to cancel their order!  DAMN FBI and people being killed all the time.  Clearly, Jibson must quit the FBI -- so they'll have more time to eat chicken wings, like normal couples.  
Jonathan and Jennifer Hart ALWAYS had time for a glamorous dinner, and they solved murders and chased bad guys while holding FULL TIME JOBS [and having great hair].  Seriously!  Maybe Jibson needs a butler, like Max, back home in the RV.

b)  the ending bit -- we already saw it in the previews!!  There was absolutely positively nothing new -- nada zero -- whatsoever about those last few moments because we already heard Jane say "I'm protecting you" and Lisbon scowl "It's my job" on commercials all this week!  I love when they do that:  show us something, make us think there will be more, and then we watch to find out but -- Nope, that was it.  I thought that AT LEAST they'd have their FIRST FIGHT over a bucket of chicken wings!

I admit that I like the idea of these two fighting, it's definitely more true to the nature of their relationships -- SIBLING RIVALRY -- but I'm sure this "conflict of interest" is just another obvious plot ploy, to break them up so they can get back together again [Maybe THEN they'll finally have chicken wings together]
3) THE UGLY -- I mentioned in a previous post the "baby" and "family" symbolism we're being set up for -- this episode laid the "FAMILY" theme on SO thick, every other word in the dialogue was: "family" "baby" "kids."
this is what I found in the first 12 minutes of the episode: 
raised 3 brothers
good family men with young kids
young mother actually your family
our baby, are you even thinking about him?

someone else's child, too….that poor kid

a baby at home, and he's only 6 months old

what's you're baby's nameHenry -- After Matt's Dad

Henry's birthright
Mama taught me
the family members
little brother
the mom
the family
go see the family

My oldest boy
a middle child
there are THREE BOYS

I guess Heller thinks he can play "subliminal" Mentalist tricks on us, and that if we just HEAR the words: family, baby, kid, brother, mother, etc. mentioned enough in the dialogue -- we'll accept the ending of Jibson having a family better

4) THE utterly...STUPID!

1.  "It's a killer view"  -- [right before the assassin 'kills" the guy who said it, and then actually kills from the view], double entendre was never so idiotic
2.  "watch the man get beat by a girl" -- why is Jane a man and Lisbon a "girl?"  So, Lisbon is still deferring to Jane in a way that, welp, is uncharacteristic to who she's always been.    Yup, this insipid little storyline about Jane protecting Lisbon being is just a ploy that will get resolved at the end….by…you guessed it:  LISBON SAVING JANE [as if that's never happened before!]…[or Lisbon "coming to her senses" and realizing that she'd better let Jane save her?]  Easier to just get her pregnant and force her out  [as if law enforcement and military aren't parents]
3.  "Never play foosball with a woman whose raised 3 brothers" [meant to be a DEEP FORESHADOWING of the story of the week involving THREE BROTHERS]
 -- [insert yawn]
4.   VIDEO GAMES:  a bad guy from a violent family that kills people plays video games where he kills people, too, enjoying it a little too much.  But WAIT…can we really blame violent video games that reward obliterating human life, the Mentalist asks?  Maybe it's just WHO is playing since Wylie and Vega can play the same games and still be law abiding citizens.  Or maybe it's just saying that as long as you're on the right side of the law, it's okay to kill people in games -- because weren't these kinds of killing games originally meant for the military, but became mainstream for "fun" and perhaps that's not really the best thing for the youth of America….especially the youth with bad mothers?  'Cause it's the mother's fault, really.  [well, at least partially]  Hmm?  

In any case, the Mentalist want us to know they are *neutral* on the subject.  A violent video game does not make someone go out and kill --- it's just the killers who like to play them!  [and ruin it for all the good eggs out there like "Wega" who are just having plain old fashioned fun]

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My country was running the episode after RJ dies and it struck me really hard.. when Dennis Abbott
became this funny, smooth , boss ?

Coz watching that episode alone ... i see no single reason why i would come back and work for him.

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Theory #18651 • By Stoopkid
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I really enjoyed this episode even tho Brett Styles didn't pop out.
I have concluded one thing tho:
-there is no major story line, boss, bad guy.
There are not many episodes left and leading into the 2 hour finale i am assuming
it will cover a storyline from the past.
Nothing else will be important enough to use in a SERIES finale.

-Anyone get the feeling Jane or Lisbon will die at the seasons close?
They are setting it all up.
Jane worried about Lisbon asking her to retire and her resisting that notion.
I can see Jane being killed right before they were going to retire, and Rigsby and Van Pelt at the funeral.

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Now I'm watching this crap for it's music, and to laugh at how this cunts named "BH & team" are mocking at us all RJ fans, with all those red colors being flashed at us in some scenes ... fuck, for some minutes I thought the girl on the picture the sniper hold was Lorelai ... there were some good scenes from this hitman, but hey, think I watched 'em all before on classic movies ... bloody miserables ... Jisbon sucks big time ... theories here (a cheers for ya all) are better than the crap they are throwing at viewers ... I mean, what's the arc here ?, a couple of adults playing the shy-teen-agers role until it all ends with 'em parting ways or getting married ? ... screw that !!! ... at this point only Lazarus can save this shite ... but have to admit there's no hope ... just remember the couple of "evil" they created after McAllister murder ... both complete and absolute turd ... so Lazarus will be the mastermind, the real monster behind the scenes who directed the "R.J. con" using puppets from B.A. ? ... come on ... now they're saying there's a posibility of a season 8 ... LOL ... bring it on losers ... please contact David Lynch.

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You will have to change the name of this site to Who is Red Hood?  BTW, the answer is the Joker.

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I don't have a full blown theory, but a few observations:
Obviously the color red is quite prominent in some key scenes all through s7. Such as the key females in the episodes wearing the color red.
The color red also appears prominently in a scene with objects when heller is dealing with misdirection from Jane.
Also the return of Janes cup I think has more to do with a connection to the RJ case than we think, how did Lisbon get it back, weren't all the members of the CBI escorted off premises at the same time? If so why/how could she return to retrieve it?

From the RJ revel episode at the very end, the last shot there is a pull away, zoom out of the play ground and a playset with a picnic table, a guy sitting there with his back to the camera, jeans and baseball hat and maybe sunglasses just sitting there. Why? Why was he in the middle of the screen, who was he watching? Didn't appear to have any connection to kids or anything else. My theory? I think that was either RJ or someone watching for him.
I think BP is RJ and Lisbon (knowingly) is a long con to draw RH out but Jane fell in love and is having second thoughts thus his move to with draw Lisbon from danger. An attempt on her life will be made a the end and Jane wil
Be there with Grigsby( who have been secretly investigating RH and the BA) for the wrapup.

Re: "the whites of his eyes"
Notice the over use of the color red in the family garage, yes red is popular with Italian cars and in high end tools and garages, but it is an aggressive color to use in abundance on screen. The chairs, boxes and other large items when introducing us to the ultimate bad guys who were behind the hands on killer.
This leads to the wrap up at the end of the episode. Abbotts speech went along way to point of the switcheroo to the 'bad guy' and how they were fooled. Abbott took joy in revealing how HE fooled them. I can't dictate verbatim, but it was too the effect "that sometimes you see what you want to see no matter how hard you look" whatever the wording it felt like a direct message to the RJ fans looking for a storyline return. That wrap up seemed out of place not only for Abbott but also in the show. I don't know if heller is playing with us or foreshadowing a great wrap up, honestly I think he is capable of either one.

I really want a RJ return, I thought it was an amazing story line, but I often wonder if heller is just telling us to let it go, I hope not.

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this is not a theory
i re watched season 2 episode 8 (his right red hand)
the man poisoned Rebcca was wearing blue t shirt the same man arrived in  earlier in limousine and motorbike and minelli met him ( i couldnt see his face clearly )
also minelli was looking at picture (looks like kirkland ) and has somthing to tell lisbon but he didnt
if anyone know who is this or what is this about plz tell

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