Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


An ode to Frye.

Not a bloody theory, just my observation,
this show is stuck in neutral, 
and Brüno needs castration.

Frye and whatchamacallit, had some great chemistry,
Yet it was ditched for Jizbone,
An incest and travesty.

Hypnotized long time ago, by the one known as Red,
She was under his spell then, 
But why now? When John is dead.

Death of a Vampire will lift the curse from a slave,
But Sheriff hick can hold his,
Even now, beyond the grave.

Mystery persist after killing the Hillbilly,
To shove the dove up so far,
Who gave Jane, Silly Willy?

Poor Kristina... You were served a pile of doo-doo,
You deserve a better faith,
Like a better show. we do.

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"We really like your new boyfriend, T.  He seems like a great guy. Don't mess this one up."

"Cool it you knuckleheads.  We've been through some shit.  He's been my partner for about a decade, after all.  Did I not mention that? Eh, it's all in the past.  Sometimes I forgot myself.  Have I told you that he has killed on multiple occasions.  But it's fine - he only did it to get back at the guy that murdered his wife and child."

"Whoa...that's pretty heavy.  Well, you look happy."

"Thanks.  I feel so relaxed in my hometown that I wore a spaghetti strap dress from circa-1995 just to prove how casual I feel.  Because, everyone knows that the midwest reeks of the mid-90's and aqua velva.  That's how we roll in the heartland."

"It's not that.  You just seem different.  Like how you didn't even get mad at Jane for not telling you about my loan shark issues."

"Yeah.  Being treated like an adult - especially as it pertains to my job - used to be really important to me.  But since we've gotten together, I've really let my guard down.  I'm showing him and everyone how much the love of a good man can tame an strong, independent, albeit messy woman.  Now I love how he just wants to protect me."
"It means a lot to us that you were able to make it. We should hang out more often."

"We totally should.  And look - I know you don't take what I do seriously because I'm your big sister and this is a well-trodden trope and all, but the next time you are in trouble with the law - call your FBI agent sister.  I'd hate to have to rely a absurdly contrived plot device to see you guys."  

End scene.

"What ever happened to that 

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If Heller is smart, he will make 'Lazarus' Red John himself, the next best thing, i.e. some kind of mentor figure out for revenge against Jane for killing his disciple, like Bret Stiles, who, like the fabled figure Lazarus, "shall return" from the dead. Bret Stiles fits PERFECTLY here. Unsolved murders, brainwashed followers, the promise of returning from the dead. Let Malcolm McDowell go out with the bang he deserves for what a splendid actor he is!

Anyone remember this scene?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyw2odg92B4

But let's be real here, how smart is Bruno Heller for making Mcallister Red John? How smart is he for only deciding who Red John would be right before the season six finale? Not very, to me. But he can still save his integrity. Give us what we want, Heller!

Don't get your hopes up, but this is how I would write it. Bret Stiles as Lazarus/Red John/Red John's mentor.

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I saw a few episodes older , wow , that had suspense , adrenaline , that sense of knowing what would happen next . Instead the latest episodes are ridiculous and boring . After "little yellow house " ( one of the worst episodes of the entire series ) I decided to abandon forever The mentalist . The real RJ is Bruno Heller , he killed the series , and the circle of fans .

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Well, I think we got a preview last night of things to come -- Jibson returned home to Cali, and Jane picked up an adorable baby [hint, hint]

Here's how it will go:  
1) Jane will push to leave the FBI
2) Lisbon will tell Jane that being a cop is all she knows
3) something will happen to change Lisbon's mind -- like someone gets hurt, someone from CA needs her or she finds out she's pregnant
4) Jane and Lisbon open a pet shop, selling birds in Sacramento

5) BUT...not before they defeat another hillbilly mastermind in the final episode -- [who has a name of biblical proportions]

Maybe Jibson will buy a house on the same block that Grigsby lives on?  Aw...

Seems pretty clear.

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Theory #18629 • By HarvyHammer
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I keep thinking that by some sympathetic magic RJ will be revealed as Rigsby so I keep posting here saying that he is RJ... Yea, well, anyways...
What is this talk about an eighth season? Are we not already tortured enough, or do the Hollywood idiots really think this jisbon shit is really interesting? 
Little Yellow Houses... WTF is that? How is it possible to reconcile the Oklahoma connection to Lisbon's job as a cop in San Fransicko? Ya know, I actually have a theory on this:
It is well know to people (native born Californians) that all the women in San Fransicko are 7 out of 10s... at best, yet believe themselves to be 10s. Also, these same SF 7s are always women that are from other states that moved here (SF) from the mid-west, or some other fly-over state because their moral compass is dubious and could not handle the American culture out there. I strongly believe that the most realistic part of this show, so far, is Lisbon, a clear SF 7, being from Oklahoma... despite her New York accent. 
Question: Does anyone else think Lisbon straps it on for Jane? Better yet, Does Wiley strap it on for Heller? Will Vega be cast into a transsexual role in Gotham? 
I may actually start reading again. 

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First, thank you to those who have partcipated in my 
little informal survey and commented. 

I don't think The Mentalist is going to revisit the Red John storyline. In my mind it ended with 602, and it's up to my imagination how it went from there.

However, we did get a lot of great RJ scenes before then, so what are yours top 3 favorite RJ-related scene? A scene where they're talking about him counts.

Mine are

1) Blinking Red Light: when Patrick manipulates Panzer to insulting Red John on tv so RJ would kill him, and then RJ does kill him. That was extremely powerful and the last thing I imagined Jane would ever do.

2) The whole last part of the season 2 finale. *Shivers*

3) The end of Desert Rose (601) when RJ calls Patrick from Theresa's phone. "Sorry Patrick. Theresa can't come to the phone right now. Can I take a message..." And he's all casual. Awesome scene.

And of course there were many more great scenes, so what are your all favorites?

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