Who is Red John?

Theories of trustt (4)

Of course the "Now you want mercy" part is directed to Bertram, who I think is asking PJ to say he is not RJ. I think Bertram is afraid that RJ will kill him after PJ's media conference. Patrick is actually going to use this to benefit him and get Bertram to tell him what he knows...

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What if RJ cut Partridge's shoulder because it was a different tattoo? Like the vertical one you guys have been saying, or something like that, something that would draw attention. Thoughts anyone? Please comment

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I want RJ to be someone that we can look back to his scenes afterwards and think 'omg, I can't believe I hadn't seen this sooner'.. And I don't think anyone in the list can give me that. Do you agree? Is Ray Haffner the one that can give us that? Please comment!

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I think that Kirkland asked if Jason Lennon recognized him to know if his own brother was Red John, or was being held captive by Red John and if Jason knew something about that. I just don't understand why he killed him after that. Anyone have some thoughts? Please share on the comment section! Thanks! As for everything else, I think that Ray Haffner is RJ, just don't have a theory on why, just think so...

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