Who is Red John?

Theories of tina (5)

I wonder how long it will take Jane to get back to his old self. I admit this episode was sort of boring, but I can't wait to see Jane and Lisbon at it again! :D

I guess, thinking back, perhaps Red John was meant to be disappointing, especially since Jane even sad he was disappointed. Maybe to show that not everyone is who they seem to be. Red John was not as smart as he seemed. Just had people in places to tell him what he needed to know. Took the evil that is Red John from being Jane's mental equivalent and made him just another serial killer. Though the war was fun, I can see the point of view in making Red John turn out to be less than he made himself seem. It is more realistic, I suppose. I would prefer for Red John to have been more of match for Jane, but ah well. It's good to see Jane smile again, now we just need to see him smirk. :P

- Tina

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Okay, while I wasn't thrilled with the choice of McAllister, when he revealed himself, they could have made him act more like Red John and less like the Sheriff.

I don't know where this leads next, but I am hopeful that perhaps this was another Strawberries and Cream strategy. They made McAllister deny being Red John (in the episode with the explosion at Jane's house), they made him beg for his life, whine, die because of a pigeon, etc. The guy in Strawberries and Cream would have been better staying Red John than this portrayal.

I'm sad nothing but the bomb was explained. I hope we will learn more, rather than it dying. And I really hope Heller is messing with us, getting us fired up before a REAL twist. Otherwise, it seems like he is trying to get the show off air with the lame, hole filled scripting.

By the promo, looks like they are jumping into the future like they did when Jane went AWOL. I'm curious about what change will occur. It'd be nice to see Lisbon settle down maybe with someone like...Walter. ;) Grace and Wayne need some kiddos (if they aren't off the show yet). Cho, I could see in jail. It looks like the FBI guy will be sticking around. I like that, considering I am a Prison Break fan. :D

What's weird is how little the promo for Episode 9 looked like a crime show. It looked like a soap opera or something. LOL

Welp, I'll keep thinking of predictions and rattling my brains for ways Heller could fix the Red John mishap. There's always hope!

And btw, "He is Ma" makes no sense with McAllister...

- Tina

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Okay, so I put Walter because I am still hopeful I am right + I want to see Walter! Let's face it, my Walter theory stands more of a chance than the fake death theories. That's so been done and is a cop out on the shows part if any turn out to be true. Only one of those I can say would make sense is Kirkland's twin brother.

I just wanted to make a few points mostly non-related to Red John's identity:

Does anybody else find it weird that Red John is going to be discovered on episode 8? And it is Red John because of the voice he used in the church. I mean the seasons typically have around 20 episodes. What will the show do for the rest of the season? Is Red John not going to die yet? Or will the rest of the season focus on The Blake Association?

Why did Stiles say some time ago that he knew more than Jane or Red John? I still want to see this loose end be tied up.

Another loose end, why did Kirkland kill that guy who worked for Red John and say that he hoped someone would do this for him were he in the same position one day? Was it a mercy killing to keep Red John from brutally killing the guy? Or did Kirkland actually work for Red John? Was that not Kirkland and actually Kirkland's evil twin? I'm so confused by this one!

I would like to say this, Bertram's last killing was sloppy and left fingerprints, also he is running. Not like Red John to run or try to kill Jane in such a public place and not in the usual Red John way. Just saying, I think Jane made Bertram the obvious scapegoat for police attention and to lure Red John on to kill this impersonator receiving his credit like he killed those two mimickers.

I for one was pleased with this episode, even though I'm kinda sad that Haffner is dead. I felt like Jane and Lisbon got back to acting like themselves and the team got back into their close knit sync. Plus, we saw more Cho who has been extremely absent in the mess of that stupid list. >,<

I am confused by this - McAllister, Smith, Bertram, and Jane all went to the wall. Haffner and Stiles were on the couch. Haffner and Stiles died, together, but how was McAllister the only one with the other three that died. If he died, shouldn't all the others? Also, we never found out what the gunshot was. Something here is missing. Too many loose ends and Jane is either not remembering or withholding.

I am glad to see Smith out of the running. That would have been the most disappointing of the ones STILL ALIVE!

Tyger Tyger...where to start... Well, the group is made of FBI, judges, and cops - all law enforcement. Cho of the CBI knows the Tyger Tyger poem, remember? I actually think the not-around-as-much CBI agent Cho may be in the group. Maybe he did something real bad that he's buried deep. Also, Smith didn't know the leader of the group...maybe the leader of The Blake Association has money (cough Mashburn) instead of being law enforcement. Maybe the leader was Stiles, who knows more than Jane and Red John ever will. Perhaps, he pulls Red John's strings. Or maybe it is some smoe. Smoe rhymes with Cho...NOOOOO! Maybe the smiley face represents the fact that Cho is smiling...on the inside.

Oh, and let's not forget that farm for Stiles' group that had the Red John face painted on the side had something to do with Red John's early killing. He killed two guys, supposedly. Haffner worked on the farm around that time, but he's dead. So, who did? This is a huge clue I wish we knew more about.

Speaking of the smiley face. I would like to know why on earth Red John would want to kill Partridge. Was he a disposable way to draw CBI in to paint the smiley face on her? And why on earth did the face look different. Red John is OCD. Everything must done the same way, every time until more recent. Like when he killed Jane's old, lady friend, he put the face on a sticky note and he put her in the oven. That's new! And of course Red John would kill his little fanboy because 1. he's useless and disposable and 2. he's got a big mouth. But what is the meaning or significance of the smiley? Jane washed it off Lisbon and didn't tell anyone about the difference in the face. Perhaps, Red John didn't like the "list" getting credit for his work and couldn't help but leave Jane with a little hint. This makes me think it's someone from Jane's childhood, not his father (although that would be an amazing twist, how do you "become friends" with your father "the moment you shook hands"?). 

I have been having trouble spotting a potential clue left by Heller at the end of the episode every since the client list, which by the way I know I said that Michael Washburn was pointing toward Walter Mashburn (which would be so genius in so many literary ways, which is just like the poetic Red John who recites the poem). I think it is possible Michael Washburn = Michael Kirkland, but Mashburn would be 10 times better. Anyway, the last episode I spotted two potential clues.
1. The favorite tea cup
2. When Jane sits down at the church, there is an awkward moment where the camera flashes to Jane's upper leg as he sits. It was so weird, but only a flash. Somehow, this could be the clue since it was so out of place and so sudden you could easily miss it. God, I need the trailer to freeze it and screen shot or listen to the audio louder for a strange sound or something. Maybe it wasn't Jane's leg...maybe it was Red John's!

Okay, and one last thing. I know we've heard Red John's voice over the phone, etc. but something about the promo when I heard Red John's voice, it was so familiar. Not Red John familiar, but other character or actor familiar. I hope it hits me cause that would be awesome, but it's going to drive me crazy otherwise. I need zat promo stat! :P

Anyway, remember "He is Ma..."

- Tina

And I see the promo is up, I will begin watching over and over... >:D

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I think there is one massive question that most of these theories do not address and that is how RJ knew PJ's list of 7 suspects. According to PJ he did not share this list with anyone prior to the RJ video. I believe this is very important to finding out who RJ is. 

These are the only answers I can think of. If you can think of any other options please comment.

1) PJ fed RJ another fake list somehow. In this case RJ must still be on the list to believe that PJ is close and therefore it follows that Jane actually has a much narrower list than the 7 suspects. Jane possibly already knows who RJ is or he has only a couple of real suspects. This would explain Bruno telling us we can 'trust the list' and that RJ is definitely on it, but also explain how RJ got the list and his big mistake.

2) RJ guessed PJ's list because the 7 suspects were obvious to him. Remember all he knew was that Patrick shook hands with everyone on his list. So RJ must have worked out the suspect's names because he knew that they would come under suspicion. Why? The only answer that jumps into my head is the connection with Tiger Tiger. The 7 suspects are members of Tiger Tiger (one of these being RJ.) They would have come under suspicion as they are involved (whether knowingly or not) in covering up RJ crimes, and these are the members of Tiger Tiger who have shaken hands with Patrick.

The next question is about Kirkland. From episode 4 we are told that Kirkland is not a member of Tiger, Tiger and this does not fit with the above. However they have given themselves the escape option of a twin brother who could have caused Patrick to suspect Kirkland as he is involved with RJ crimes and cover ups. Alternatively it could mean that Kirkland (Bob or Michael) is RJ.

I was previously set on Partridge for RJ and I would still prefer it to be him. However because of the questions over Kirkland and his brother I now have 2 suspects - Kirkland and Partridge. It is also convenient that they are both 'dead.'

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i believe walter mashburn is red john. brett partridge seems more like a fanboy, too obvious, and not "mature" enough to be red john. if he were, it would be child's play and not "grown-up" squabble between he and jane. i don't believe the real red john would even mention himself, let alone gloat about red john.

+ mashburn seems split personality. one moment he is enjoying the moment, the next saying something very analytical
+ he and jane get along very well
+ he wore a red turtle neck (which i think was their way of teasing us, whether or not he is red john)
+ he slept with lisbon, which would upset jane because jane is obviously close to her and cares much for her (red john is always looking of ways to torment jane, like kidnapping kristina fry and doing whatever he did to her)
+ red john has to have big time connections and money; walter has both and has admitted he has both (a way to gloat because red john may not be obvious, but it still egotistical)
+ mashburn is bored and will do anything for a thrill, probably even kill
+ when red john saved jane from those kids in the last episode of season 2, he asked him "do you know who i am?" this, to me, indicates that red john has already met jane in person as him real self. anyone he has met before the end of season 2 could be red john. mashburn is in this list, having appeared in season 2, episode 13.
+ red john and mashburn share certain qualities, such as being a womanizer
+ mashburn is very interested in jane, unlike most people who find him annoying, and inquires much about his mental capabilities
+ red john is always one step ahead of people; mashburn was one step ahead of yuri bajoran

when he was trying to blow him up and left the room to "flirt" with lisbon just before the bomb went off
+ jane and mashburn get along like bffs could just like lorelei said he and jane should be bffs from the moment they met
+ jane and mashburn have similar personalities, as do jane and red john
+ mashburn is intrigued at the idea of being a suspect or the killer, a quality that someone who enjoys murder and mystery as much as red john would not be able to hide
+ in mashburn's first episode, i believe he nearly made a slip up when he said he had done a background check on jane and "you lost your wife and kid to a serial killer, your fault...you think;" the change in voice tone from "your fault" to "you think" indicate that he was making a correction, so as not to giveaway that he himself thinks it was jane's fault; this could be because he is red john and leaves responsibility on jane because he wouldn't have killed them had jane not said what he said or it could simply be to not insult jane because he is sympathetic of his loss, though it still remains his fault
+ when talking about how jane manipulates people's minds, he says it in a complimentary way - "you play mind games with people. you size up their weaknesses, and then you give them the rope to hang themselves"
+ mashburn says he "hates being ignored;" obviously when red john feels he is not getting the attention he deserves, he takes it
+ after saying he "hates being ignored," he says he is "cunning, ruthless, and hates to lose;" red john has come to see this squabble between he and jane as a game, a game he is always one step ahead in and always wins; when he doesn't win, he gets very upset and plays hardball
+ red john wants jane to join him last season; why? looking from the perspective of mashburn, he probably wants someone to "play with;" it's no fun alone; a man like mashburn needs not only supporters, but also partners
+ they have made mashburn a very loveable character, much like jane; it would be upsetting for him to turn out to be red john (unlike partridge who is so obviously cold that not many could possibly like him and a lot even suspect him of being red john - red john is not obvious, he himself would be insulted at such a thought)
+ jane is not stupid, but i think they pulled a fast one on us; in jane suspect notebook he flips the page quickly to the next two pages; i think this is because the first two pages has the true red john; mashburn is listed on one of those first two pages
+ when red john makes a physical appearance, he is tall and well masculine built like rigsby or mashburn, unlike partridge; he has young posture, unlike brett stiles
in this image: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110217055161/thementalist/images/0/0e/Computer-reflection.jp...
there is a computer reflection in the 7th image; it is said to be jane in this image, but it is possible it is mashburn, since mashburn and jane has similar features, plus they made it where you cannot see the hair (jane is curly, mashburn is spiky)

just mashburn's personality and behavior alone, i believe, is enough evidence that he is red john. somehow, the smiley face connects to the true red john (whether it be mashburn or someone else). i believe that is the true key to finding out who red john is.

thank you!

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