Who is Red John?

Theories of theresalis (4)

So last night I posted a theory about Bret Partridge and I can't believe I missed something so big if you go back to when Brett is describing a Red John murder scene he says that Red John draws the smiley face clockwise using three fingers and wearing a kitchen glove.  When Lisbon is knocked out That Red John uses two fingers and the smiley face is wrong then he gets spooked by the pigeons that's because it was Mcallister or one of them while Brett who is really Red John pretended to be dead you can check it out if you want but Red John would never change his method so now I know it's Brett Partridge and that it wasn't Red John painting blood on her face.  Also did anyone notice how nobody wanted to see Brett Partridges body or acted like they just lost one of their own he had worked with them since the beginning but it was never spoke of again like he disappeared that's because we are meant to forget about him it leaves nothing to question later since nobody looked over the body especially Patrick if Partridge is one of the Red John suspects you would think he would make sure he is really dead but nobody did anything no tears just another day even when a cop gets killed it's a little to convenient.

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Theory #6268 • By theresalis
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This is my off the wall theory that I maybe believe like 15% so I'll see if anyone likes any parts of it.  First we all have tried to guess what that meant when the blood on the wall said he is mar or he is man but they were in Mexico and maybe the hooker wrote it and a close Mexican word to that is Hermano meaning brother so what if when Kirkland asked Red Johns friend in the hospital if he recognized him why ask that then kill him maybe Red John is related to Kirkland and he wants to maybe protect him or stop him now this brother theory could work for any of the other suspects so please help me out on this but the Hermano thing could be something just throwing that crazy way out there have fun with it.

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I submitted a theory a few minutes ago and I have more to add looking at what I said Tyger Tyger I think stands for two people same name one with one t and the other with two.  I think Bret Stiles is Brett Partridges father and it would make sense in so many ways for starters everyone brings up the other poem by william Blake connected to tyger tyger it's called the Lamb and what if one is the bad and the other good it would answer why someone like Partridge is so powerful and Stiles said that you know it is a form of love and Stiles likes Jane but Partridge seems not to.  I still think Brett Partridge is Red John but I think Bret Stiles is connected some how father and son and their names and the Tyger Tyger mean something I know it doesn't have much Merit that's why I'm posting it because people on here have good theories and might be able to connect this more and I hope so.  So just to be clear I still think it is Partridge but Stiles and him are conncected and Stiles got L Martin out of a Federal Prison I think he can fake his own sons death.  Please help me prove this.  Thanks again for reading.Jtalent

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I said this after the first episode of this season that Brett Partridge is Red John he is a forensic specialist so he could make his death look real and I will list my other reasons.  First why did he say tyger tyger to Lisbon so far only people connected to Red john have said that.  Second he has been there since the first episode and his voice and other features match.  Third he is the only one besides Bret Stiles who hasn't really done suspicious stuff or associated with the other suspects.  What better way to throw Patrick off his game then to take himself off the list Bruno Heller said the list is real but he never said what rules can be broken with the list and faking his death would be perfect.  When the three suspects Bertram, Mcallister, and Reede are talking they said does he know I think they meant does he know Brett is alive maybe they do work for Red John.  I got a lot of people to disagree with me on this and I do think Mcallister is the only other one that makes a great suspect but I don't think Bruno Heller took us on this 8 season ride to reveal something so obvious so I'm going to stick to my theory that it is Brett Partridge and think about this he knew he was a good suspect from the start even without the list people compared his voice and the description of him so it would make sense that Bruno Heller would take him out the first episode so we would forget about him and focus so much on the others that we are blown away when we find out because we aren't even suspecting him anymore.  I know many will disagree but I won't change my mind and when it is revealed people can go back and see that it made sense. Also I really like everyone's theories on everyone it takes a lot of detailed thinking to come up with these theories I just hope you guys don't bash me too hard and see that it does make some sense that he would kill Red John off the list first episode he kept his word about the list but is still keeping us in the dark.  Thanks for reading my theory.

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