Who is Red John?

Theories of russet_potato_lover (1)

How I wish this scene turn out to be the climax of the two amazing arcs of The Mentalist: THE RED JOHN ARC & THE JISBON ARC--( of course, I wanna end it without the corny stuff)

    After all the EXPLANATIONS, after FILLING all the PLOT HOLES-- etc,etc,-- which is a whole bunch of mess for us,
    ....and after WRAPPING UP all the Visualize craziness, Lorelie stuff and other character's mystery deaths:

Red John (whoever character they revealed to us, but I wish it's Haffner), abducted Teresa Lisbon,took her with all easyness. After all, she is the only thing that's left to fulfill.

Crystal-clearly, Lisbon is seeing Red John as Patrick Jane, hugging him so tightly.

Jane struggle making his way to the Red Visualize Farm. Red John had took her. He's not gonna take it, living without her. He will save her, and will kill Red John.

And surely they were both ready for their final showdown.

Lisbon feels safe as long as Jane (but Red JOhn for real) is on her side. RJ (Patrick Jane for real), go out for a while and she's very sure he is coming back to kill them two.

    Jane finally arrive at the barn, and he sees Lisbon holding RJ's hand. Lisbon's so shocked to see him, as shocked as him (Jane really thought Lisbon took the evil's side)

*note: Lisbon sees the real Jane as Red John, and the real Red John as Jane.

Jane: Lisbon..
Lisbon: Ray, stop it!
Jane:No, I'm not Haffner! I'm Jane, Lisbon.
RJ (pretending to be Jane): You son of a bitch!Stop hypotizing Teresa!

Jane: I AM Jane! Lisbon, I knew it, Red John has hypnotized you. You're seeing me as RJ and him as me!
Lisbon: Well it's funny! That's exactly what he- (points Red John) -Jane had warned me about how you're going to make me believe you're the REAL Jane!
Jane: Oh come on! Teresa you know me.(narrates all their happy times together)
Lisbon: How did.. you know all that? I'm confused with you two. Look, I'm sure you have a lot of resources and that you're an expert in surveillance. That's the reason why..
RJ: Lisbon, I AM Jane, and I'll make you believe me. (narrates how they first met, their funny moments at the CBI, etc)

    Jane (the real one) was so silent that time.He felt nothing but hopelessness. He feels so aggravated and weak. And at last, he was now angry.That's the last thing that he felt (despite the situation).And there's the need to attack.

    Jane and Red John fight and fight and fight ( just like bunch of teenagers on a fist-fight).To make the story short, RJ was letting Jane take the upper hand & that make Lisbon angry as she thought the real Jane was losing the fight.

    Lisbon grab the gun on the floor which is left by Jane(that she's seeing as Red John), and directly points it at Jane.

Jane: Lisbon!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Till the next time! ;)

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